
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Miscellany: 2/27/16

Quote of the Day
Life is no brief candle to me. 
It is sort of a splendid torch 
which I have got hold of for a moment, and 
I want to make it burn as brightly as possible 
before handing it on to future generations.
George Bernard Shaw

Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

via #NeverTrump

Political Potpourri

Hillary Clinton, who had edged Sanders by a too-close 5-6% a week ago in Nevada, crushed Sanders in SC with almost 75% of the vote, heavily supported by majority black Dems statewide. This sets up Clinton nicely for a crushing sweep at least through the delegate-rich South next Tuesday. At Election Betting Odds, Clinton now has upped her numbers to 92% for the nomination and 58% for the general election, while Trump is now rated 74%  and 25% respectively. Interestingly, Cruz only is given about a 1% chance vs. Rubio's 18% for the nomination. Some have characterized the Texas contest as must-win for Cruz, and I agree. Reuters shows Trump at nearly half the vote, with Cruz at 25, and Rubio at 20, actually trending down since Thursday.

Reason Reviews the Houston GOP Presidential Debate

Learn Liberty

Is Trump a Truth Teller?

Cool Science

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Eric Allie via IPI
Courtesy of Bob Gorrell via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Stevie Wonder, "For Once In My Life"