
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Miscellany: 1/24/16

Quote of the Day
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is
simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.
Albert Einstein

Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

Bernie Sander's Statistics Abuse

Boudreaux's Summary of Trumpkins
America and Americans are the best!  The absolute, unquestionable best!  We’re special!  Our values, our work ethic, our strength, our endurance, our forthrightness, our goodness, our generosity, our insightfulness, our intelligence, our ingenuity, our courage, our toughness, our resilience, our business acumen, our work experience, our productivity, our prudence, our faith, our glorious history all make us second to none!  Leaders of the world!  Champions of humanity!  We are an historically off-the-charts great, accomplished, and blessed people.  We are natural winners!  But, of course, we’ll lose everything, and soon be reduced to pauperism, if Uncle Sam – who has lately been wimpy – continues to allow miserable, lazy, good-for-nuthin’ welfare-seeking foreigners to come here to work insufferably long hours at slave wages – and to allow other, equally crafty foreigners, whose economies have been wrecked by decades of un-American, communist rule, to offer to sell to us the likes of washing machines, jeans, and patio furniture at really low prices.  That’s why we need The Donald to protect us from this scourge – to protect our greatness – by Getting Tough!
Political Potpourri

Lots of polls, and other than a lopsided lead in Texas over Trump, none of them good for Cruz. Whether it's the natural born kerfuffle or ethanol subsidy politics, Cruz is down from to 5 to 11 points in 2 new Iowa polls, and Rubio is about 20 points behind, the only other Republican in double digits. Rubio did get an influential editorial endorsement over the weekend. Trump is lapping the field in NH, and Rubio is in third over Kasich in 2 new NH polls. Trump is also lapping the field in Florida and Georgia with Rubio in a close third in home state Florida; interestingly Bush is way down in Florida. On the Dem side Sanders narrowly leads in Iowa and blows Clinton out in NH, although Clinton is still well ahead in SC.

Stossel on Islamic Terrorism 2015

The Real Trump

Creativity: Can/Should Government Foster It?

Political Humor: Palin Endorses Trump on SNL

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Nate Beeler via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Gordon Lightfoot, "Dream Street Rose"