Originality and the feeling of one's own dignity are achieved only through work and struggle.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Chart of the Day: "Progressive" Academia
via Daily Signal |
Clinton can't use the 3 AM phone call bit against @realDonaldTrump. We know that he's up that late writing a snarky tweet about Megyn Kelly.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
@realDonaldTrump seems to be obsessed with Obama: Trump vows to out-deport the all-time leader, and his kids music videos are even creepier.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
What's with this bromance between Putin and @realDonaldTrump? Putin sends his latest shirtless photo and Trump one of his latest haircut?
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
Democrats want bigger leaky State buckets, Republicans want patched State buckets, and libertarians want no State buckets.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
@realDonaldTrump doesn't realize existing US law at Cruz' birth required 10 yrs of residency, 5 after 14 yrs, for Cruz' US mom, in her 30's.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
Under prevailing British law, @realDonaldTrump may not qualify for natural born British citizenship, because only British-born dads counted.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
@realDonaldTrump wasn't competent enough to realize Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014. By US law, can Cruz run? YES, HE CAN!
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
@AlZombie1929 @realDonaldTrump Federal legislative offices do not have a natural born or exclusionary provision. Read the Constitution.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
@AlZombie1929 @realDonaldTrump Not relevant. Cruz was a US citizen at birth by US law. He had been told that he had to apply to be Canadian.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
@AlZombie1929 @realDonaldTrump Cruz didn't know Canada, like the US, had birthright citizenship. Once he was aware, he renounced it.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
@AlZombie1929 @realDonaldTrump Cruz was a US citizen at birth. His mother was in her 30's. US law required 10 years as resident, 5 after 14
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
These birther wackos want to have it both ways. They don't recognize birthright citizenship under the 14th, but they argue Cruz is Canadian
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
Cruz's parents were non-Canadian, and he was born in Canada. A Canadian birther would argue that Cruz was an American citizen.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
Emperor Trump is wearing no clothes: "Zahra Harrison, who is 10 years old, weighed in: "Donald Trump's a moron."" https://t.co/wZecdqSU1j
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 16, 2016
@AlZombie1929 @realDonaldTrump It is settled law. Under US law at the time of Cruz' birth, his US-born Mom qualified. Case dismissed.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 17, 2016
The crackpot Cruz truthers ignore the fact that under the Constitution a Senator has to be at least a 9-year citizen. The case is settled.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 17, 2016
Kudos to the Obama Administration for finally lifting economic sanctions against Iran. Economic warfare is bad, counterproductive policy.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 17, 2016
Image of the DayA Teacher's Right to Work
Ideas That Changed the World
About the first video: both Boeing and Airbus have gotten government handouts, although Airbus much more so. From 2012:
U.S. planemaker Boeing received $5.3 billion in illegal government subsidies over a quarter-century, far less than what arch-rival Airbus received according to an earlier finding, the World Trade Organization ruled Monday.I'm somewhat surprised on a series inspired by Friedman, they would feature a crony aircraft manufacturer (in fact, I misread the title, thinking they were talking about airbnb), but the real intent of the segment is to focus on division of labor.
Guest Post Comment: "Natural born in Canada"
This is all nonsense. First of all, both Canada and the US have birthright citizen (in fact, everywhere in the Americas except for one country). Birthright citizenship is actually in the context of English law, which both the US and Canada inherited. So Cruz, born in Canada, had dual citizenship, which is why he renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014.
The US citizenship of Cruz is settled law. This also comes from English common law. "Natural born" was a commonly used term in 18th century English law--and is defined as inhabitant or offspring. Cruz' mother was indisputably born in the US. Even though it is true that Congress tweaked certain parameters involving age and/or residency over time (I think the reason the whole birther bullshit rose is solely because Obama's mother was 18--Barack would have been a US citizen, even if he was born in Kenya, if she had been in her 20's. The certified Hawaiian birth made the matter moot.), [under existing US law at the time Cruz' mother had the prescribed post-teen residency at the time of Cruz' birth].
The real purpose of the "natural born" criterion was to minimize the chance of foreign intrigue. If you have dual citizenship it could suggest divided loyalty. I do believe Trump has British citizenship by virtue of his mother's native Scottish birth, and I don't know if he's renounced it.
As for the Fourteenth Amendment and birthright citizenship, this is settled law. I believe I'm repeating myself from past posts: the exceptions listed to American-born citizenship have to do with the official status of the parents, e.g., diplomats or foreign troops on American soil. This is abundantly clear from context and numerous decisions since then.
Now you can, of course, find legal crackpots who will argue the opposite side of any legal dispute. I personally think that defining citizenship in terms of a native mother's residency is arbitrary and hence unconstitutional. Why, for example, would Barack Obama be a US citizen depending strictly on the age/residency after, say, the mother's age of 15? This flatly discriminates against the early children of any young American mother.
Instead of reading the nonsense of the Trump-supportive editors, consider the REAL legal scholars of the Volokh Conspiracy who have published several articles on the matter, the latest which is: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/ (Jan. 15/More scholars weigh in on whether Ted Cruz is a ‘natural born’ citizen)
The Trump Kids Video Backed By Hitler Youth Music
Facebook Corner
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via Libertarian Catholic |
The issue with the negative income tax is moral hazard, just like for the welfare state. We should not be giving people an incentive not to be productive or to be less productive. It is better to let social welfare be handled by the private sector on a voluntary basis, e.g., charity, fraternal societies, etc.
There is, of course, a lot to be said about streamlining welfare programs, but I want a smaller State, not just a more efficient State.
How the Government Hobbles Charity
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Glenn Foden via Townhall |
Gordon Lightfoot, "You Are What I Am"