
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Miscellany: 1/23/16

Quote of the Day
Nevër mistake activity for achievement.
John Wooden

One-Off Post Published Earlier: The Sixth GOP 2016 Presidential Debate

Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

Rant of the Day: "We Are Capitalists" FB
ADMIN EDITORIAL: If Donald Trump becomes the standard bearer of the Republican Party, I will renounce my association with said party. I absolutely refuse to be member to his brand.
He is repulsive, philosophically inconsistent, unprofessional, disinterested in nuance or relevant details, uneducated in economics, immature, advocates dangerous and harmful policy proposals, is NOT actually a conservative, does NOT care about limiting executive or federal power, does NOT wish to lower or eliminate the minimum wage, is NOT against socialized healthcare, isn't against corporatism or subsidies, is pro-tariff, donated money to numerous progressives, appeals to emotions, and is essentially a populist, akin to Bernie Sanders.
This post is not necessarily intended to be a thorough and thoughtful argument against Trump, so don't expect it to sway you. This is merely a statement of values. It's an author and researcher drawing a line in the sand and saying, if the Republican Party crosses THIS line, I'm out. Done. Period. Count me out. (And my fellow WAC authors largely agree.)
Whether we ever intended it or not, it's undeniable that WAC and other free-market forums have spent years inadvertently assisting the GOP simply due to the nature of economic philosophy. It's a fact beyond our control that Democrats are more likely to disagree with our pro-capitalist message. Hence, by default, we are routinely seen as de facto GOP advocates. But that's not necessarily an accurate or appropriate depiction for us, and as one of the founders of this page, I am genuinely growing uncomfortable with that dynamic. Trump is a big part of why.
Yesterday, it was very notable news that the pro-Republican magazine "National Review," a powerhouse of conservative thought, along with countless conservative authors, economists, strategists, and commentators, launched an organized and united attack against Trump's candidacy. Let it be known, the authors at WAC join their stance.
Sound policy, backed with research and empirical evidence, matters more than party loyalty. Just because he's leading in the polls doesn't make him right. Trump needs to be stopped, before he entirely ruins what's left of the GOP. And if he isn't, the GOP will lose MANY allies.
POTUS and Civil Asset Forfeiture: Government is the Biggest Burglar in the Country

It's Time To Radically Scale Back US Bases Overseas

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Gordon Lightfoot, "Daylight Katy"