
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Post #3607 M

Quote of the Day

Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions.
Stephen Covey  

Image of the Day

Escaping the People's Republic of California

The Unintended Consequences of the Minimum Wage Legislation

Facebook Corner

[my response to a pro-abort troll's claim to a pro-life libertarian view that fetuses need their mother's consent, etc.]

The functionality of a womb is related to reproduction; if and when a woman consents to sex, she implicitly consents to the outcome of such an act. (There are procedures and technologies available to minimize the outcome of pregnancy.)

The preborn child doesn't need "permission" to implant herself in her mother's womb. She is not her mother's egg; she's biologically distinct person with her own rights, who occupies the womb for a limited, developmentally necessary period of time.

As to the baby "enslaving" her mother, the baby does no such thing. The baby is a consequence of her parent's consensual act, and her existence was a known risk of that behavior. A contract by its nature cedes certain aspects of freedom; when I accept a job, I don't have rights outside the scope of the contract.

Of course, we care about the life and health of a pregnant woman's body; among other things, the preborn baby depends on her mother's ability to provide sustenance for her own development to thrive.

As for the troll's "rights", she certainly has a right to express her opinion, and as we know the opinion exists outside this group, with or without our permission. But we have a right to associate with others voluntarily, and that implies the right to dissociate ourselves from others. I say, lose/nuke the troll

[An anti-IP libertarian lashes out at the pro-abort troll because she asserts her own books are her intellectual property.]

I will agree with her on the principle of intellectual property.; nobody else owns the product of my own thoughts (unless I develop them under employment). Any distinction from physical labor is self-serving and arbitrary. I'm with Lysander Spooner and others on this. However, I see the original point as ad hominem in nature in this post.

[Mocking pro-abort "fairness" in a pro-life thread]

I'm sure the pro-aborts would argue they kill equally male and female babies.

[Comments on a LifeSiteNews comments on the biased media coverage post-Parkland]

Yeah, I remember CBS News interrupting the NCAA basketball coverage with a "special report" to hype the gun-control event.

[Responding to a sister-in-law's repost of an opinion blaming parents for failing public education]

 Nope. There is much to say about parents not fully vested in their children's education, but this country has vastly multiplied money spent on public education since the 1970's with flat line academic performance outcomes. This is the result of the government monopoly on education and teacher union contracts that make it close to impossible to fire or layoff mediocre teachers.

[, a Cato Institute affiliation, seems obsessed with what they believe as a sympathetic pro-Confederacy stand by us Civil War critics. The scare quotes are a response to Cato's blurb mocking us critics as "libertarians":]

Do I believe abolitionist Lysander Spooner's contemporary opposition to the Civil War or the "libertarians" who posted this crap?

;[Democrats are still trying to compare Trump's extramarital affairs to Clinton's affairs with women working for him as governor and POTUS, basically arguing conservatives are hypocrites.]

Unlike Clinton, who serially exploited women who served under him in public service, Stormy Daniels did not work for Trump, in or out of office and certainly not during his Presidency--in fact, I think he was a registered Dem at the time. The issue about Clinton had to do with violations of sexual harassment policy as a public service administrator, not about extramarital sex

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Eric Allie via IPI

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Taylor Dayne, "Tell It To My Heart". The first of 7 consecutive Top 10 hits.