
Monday, March 12, 2018

Post #3585 M

Quote of the Day

I'm not afraid of storms, 
for I am learning how to sail my ship. 
Louisa May Alcott  

From the New Blog:

Just a reminder that Trump LOVES eminent domain and using local politicians to take property he wants: one of the most corrupt SCOTUS decisions ever: 
Let's recall the judicial whores who decided in favor of expanding corrupt eminent domain abuse in Kelo: Ginsburg, Breyer, Stevens, Kennedy, and Souter. Traitors to the Bill of Rights.
Trump is increasing using his totally bogus national security rationale to justify corrupt anti-liberty intervention in the markets. He used it in the steel market and now in our crown jewel high tech industry.

Megyn Kelly found someone even more stupid than Trump: Putin blames 2016 US election meddling on the Jews. The alt-right has found its new .Führer.

Farage on Brexit

Trump vs the Regulatory State

We Are Less Violent Than Your Average Progressive

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Robert Arirail via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Carole King, "Corazon"