
Saturday, March 17, 2018

Post #3591 M

Quote of the Day

Most men talk too much. 
Much of my success has been due to keeping my mouth shut.
J. Ogden Armour  

Note: As the blog counter closes in on Post #3600, it's a reminder that we will be celebrating the 10th blogiversary in just over 4 months

From the New Blog: An Excerpt

  1. Replying to  
    No. That's certainly not true of the Trumpkins. Trump struggles to achieve a 40% approval rating, he has not helped losing Congressional candidates, he flips more positions than a whore, and his proposals are DOA in DC.
  2. Only in a free market could you find a company (Sonic) willing to market such a thing as a pickle juice slushes. I like pickles, but I've never thought, "That's the last one; now let me drink the brine." Different strokes for different folks.
  3. You mean Bernie Sander's honeymoon and political ideology? "Russia Collusion"
  4. Go figure. Be really careful what you wish for.
  5. who would censor me?
  6. No, Trump will not fire Mueller. First, it would be political suicide. Second, it would be a form of self-incrimination. Third, it would be futile, because the Congress will not close the investigation.
  7. The WSJ is spot-on. Anti-intellectualism in the repulsive populism of the left (Sanders) or the right (Trump) isn't based on the truth; it exists despite it. Unicorn thinking on both sides is prevalent. "Truth Isn't the Problem"
  8. Replying to 
    Trump hasn't done anything driving the economy forward. Once again, economic growth for 2017 fell below 3%. We still see a decades-old labor force participation rate. His anti-trade and anti-immigrant policies are costing us economic growth.
  9. Replying to 
    Both of you partisan hack need to be on meds. I'm no Trumpkin and really wasn't following the story, but even I was aware McCabe was going to be fired. The IG made a non-partisan call. Americans elected Trump; Russia didn't hack a single vote.
  10. Watching the leftist hacks cry crocodile tears over McCabe's termination is nauseating. I'm no Trumpkin,, but the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, based on IG findings, recommended McCabe's termination. "Andrew McCabe"
  11. Replying to 
    Stop drinking while tweeting, you partisan hack. Firing McCabe is not "obstruction of justice".
  12. Replying to 
    No public service parasite deserves a $1.8M pension. Cry me a river. I also don't believe in extravagant pensions for past Presidents like the abominable Obama.

  1. If the Dems think that the incompetent Russians can end the GOP Congress or White House, why aren't they buying their services? It's just too painful for the Dems to admit they blew the election by nominating the wrong candidate.
  2. Russian social marketing amateurs did not help elect Trump. As Reason proves, the so-called collusion amounted to literally a drop in the bucket against the far voluminous Clinton campaign chest and utilization of heavily Dem Silicon Valley expertise.
  3. Now that Trump has broken the $21T national debt level, tell me his Nixonian "secret plan" to eliminate the debt in 2 terms? Just a reminder: taxes are about $3.4T/yr. Even if we didn't spent another penny for the rest of his term, maybe only half. This dude: no balanced budget.
  4. Girl, you've got to prove your theorem to me
  5. Take it to the limit of infinity
  6. Bye, Bye, American Pi
  7. Wow, he's booked the CBS Late Show and "The View" for his book tour? It sounds like the Obama Presidency all over again. "FBI Director James Comey"
  8. Can you believe this crap? An Ohio student was suspended for choosing to remain in the classroom vs. participate in a corrupt unconstitutional national protest against liberty and the unalienable right of self-defense.
  9. Twitter allows these hit-and-run left-fascist trolls, who block you after sending bullshit tweets. Unions always argued this Marxist Iron Law of Wages crap, This country used to be mostly agrarian/labor. More crops than ever with 2% of the population.
  10. WRONG, leftist troll. Well, certainly Trump similarly believes this retarded bullshit, not just Sanders' cultists. ANY PERSON WHO THINKS A $2T REGULATORY BURDEN CONSTITUTES A FREE MARKET IS A RETARD. NO, the labor supply issue is totally bogus: ST lower-income wages at most.
  11. Replying to  
    It depends. Whenever I hear local motivated Dems, not of them long for the corrupt Clinton, and they all claim Sanders would have beat Trump. (They're delusional, don't recall 1972, 1988, but they believe in unicorns.) We're now done.
  12. Replying to  
    NO. You just keep showing how economically illiterate you leftists are. The fact is that revenues EXPANDED after the Reagan tax cuts, but Democrat House spending rose more. The only $1T deficits--under Obama.
  13. Political whores don't solve real problems; they basically impair the free market which provably does a better job anticipating and serving real market needs.
  14. Replying to  
    Bernie Sanders is the leftist complement to Donald Trump, and his cultists are just as bad as any Trumpkin. As far as no GOP pushback, you are clueless: just to name a few: Flake, McCain, Paul, Sasse, Johnson, the House Liberty Caucus.
  15. Replying to  
    Like most economic illiterate leftists, you're clueless about taxes. First of all, you hypocrites didn't care about deficits under Barry "$10T" Obama. Second, income taxes are inefficient, and lower taxes facilitate growths, which offsets reduced tax rates.
  16. Replying to  
    So now you clueless left-wingers are lowering yourselves to Trump's level. You both deserve each other. We're done.
  17. For someone who obsesses over how our government has lost respect in the eyes of the world, the US had its lowest rating ever in his own Presidency.
  18. Trump IS a demagogue, and his Tweets defile the Office of the Presidency. But Brennan doesn't help his case by defending the unprofessional McCabe, who violated the nation's trust and deserved termination. "John Brennan"
My Greatest Hits: March 2018

Reason Debunks the Russian Collusion Bullshit

Cato Institute Debunks the Trump/GOP Family Leave Proposal

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Carole King, "One Fine Day"  King's last Top 20 hit and a remake of a hit song she wrote in the 60's.