
Monday, October 30, 2017

Post #3422 M

Quote of the Day

Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth.
Hopi prayer  

Tweet of the Day

Big Sugar

Marriage Is a Beautiful Thing

Economic Freedom

Facebook Corner

( "What we classical liberals see clearly, and what modern progressives do not, is that all too often having a majority on their side only renders the progressive movement a tyranny of the majority. A democracy it may be, but it is not a proper government."
How stupid.... the majority is not a tyranny.... all of history has been a cruel oppression of the majority by an oppressive minority. Now the top 0.1% is imposing a neofeudal tyranny over the majority and you people are so invested in your stupid illogical philosophy you're worried about the majority of very good people having a little more say.... you people are pathological....Oh the poor minority.... the top 400 with their combined 1.8 trillion of wealth we really need to be considerate of them and their needs... WTF is wrong with you people?
The "progressive" OP is too ignorant to realize that if the upper 1% were in charge, they would have never implemented such a Draconian tax policy at their own expense and similarly manipulate the rest of the economy, the Gini coefficient would be far higher, less income mobility.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Glenn McCoy via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Dolly Parton, "But You Know I Love You." Dolly does a rare (for her) remake of a 1969 Top 20 hit from Kenny Rogers (with the First Edition).