
Saturday, October 14, 2017

Post #3399 M

Quote of the Day

Everyone wants to be Cary Grant. 
Even I want to be Cary Grant.
Cary Grant  

Tweet of the Day

John Allison on Tax Cuts, the Fed, Bitcoin

Cato Poll Cited: Yes, Respect the Flag; No, Don't Fire Players

Facebook Corner

(personal post). The Trump Administration has been a mixed bag. The recent ObamaCare executive order is masterful, so is revoking Obama's economically disastrous EPA policies. He has been one of the better deregulators in recent history. He's been good on nominations to the court.
On the other hand, he has been absolutely toxic on free trade and immigration, which are economic growth policies; Trump's resistance could trigger a lose-lose global trade war, if not a shooting war. He has expanded vs. contracted our global meddling, he's done nothing to streamline and/or privatize parts of the government, long overdue, or to tackle unsustainable entitlement spending.
Trump has clearly been better than Obama or what Clinton would have been, but that's not a high bar.

(Peter Schiff). Why does the president keep making these obviously false claims? This one is not just false, but makes me curious to see the results of his IQ test.
Trump is an economic illiterate buffoon. There was a time he was also arguing (after the timing of April tax receipts) that he was reducing the deficit. He refuses to do anything about the cost drivers in the budget--the 70% which includes senior entitlements and Medicaid, he wants to increase the 20% or so in the defense budget, build his stupid, ineffectual, eminent-domain taking wall, and yet he's going to reduce the deficit and dept. You have to be a gullible moron to believe him.

(Peter Schiff). The last thing the Fed should worry about is inflation not being high enough!
It's hopeful thinking. Obviously they are worried about ObamaDebt if it can't be paid off in cheaper American dollars. Do you honestly think that Trump will champion an inflation hawk as Yellen's successor? It means a higher interest obligation on servicing the debt. He loves seeing a weak dollar, he thinks that exports will lead the way to robust economic growth, doesn't understand how cheaper imports help make American products and services more globally competitive and increase the American consumer's standard of living, that other nations will join him in a lose-lose currency war/race to the bottom.

(Reason). One of the truly great things about the First Amendment is that it applies to everyone. Well, almost everyone.
Trump, you are flirting with impeachment. Any attempt by you to go after the the media, and SCOTUS will slap the taste out of your mouth. Stop acting like a jackass.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of the original artist via Conservative Review on FB

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Dolly Parton, "I Will Always Love You." After a lengthy successful partnership with Wagoner, Parton decided to move on and pursue her opportunities as a solo artist. This song, probably her best known song even better known after Whitney Houston made a memorable remake topping the pop charts nearly 20 years later, is arguably her best known, signature song.