
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Post #3404 M

Quote of the Day

The world is good-natured to people who are good natured.
William Makepeace Thackeray 

Tweet of the Day

DEAD WRONG: Today's Kids Wouldn't Pass the Marshmallow Test

JOTY Nominee Chicago Alderman Joe Moreno

I have not devoted as much blog space this year to my annual tongue in cheek awards. I discussed this case over the weekend. Strauss, landlord of the space leased by Double Door, a concert hall/nightclub, declined to renew their lease based on what regarded as various lease violations. The club management, donors to said alderman, then asked Moreno to intervene. In essence, Moreno used dubious zoning authority to basically downzone the property, effectively making it difficult for Strauss to lease the property to other businesses and hence lowering the value of his property. Moreno has all but admitted to using the law to compel Strauss to renew the lease to the property. This is a blatant, corrupt abuse of power, and in essence Moreno has stolen or destroyed without due process Strauss' property rights, a violation of the Bill of Rights.

Granted, a lot can happen over the next couple of months, but some hints of what I'm considering:
  • JOTY: Hillary Clinton's "Excuses Tour"; Anthony Weiner's conviction; Perez' abortion litmus test
  • Bad Elephant: GOP Senators vs. Repeal Obamacare; Donald  Trump; Tim Murphy
  • Man of the Year: Amazon vs. Retailers, cryptocurrencies; driverless cars; Trump, McConnell & Ryan

Free the Schools!

The Intolerant Left

Those Rich People Don't Care: Or Do They?

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Henry Payne via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Dolly Parton, "We Used To"