
Sunday, October 8, 2017

Post #3391 M

Quote of the Day

The average person thinks he isn't.
Father Larry Lorenzoni  

Tweet of the Day

Image of the Day

Image may contain: text

Walter Block On How To Deal With Public Welfare

Walter Block and the Madness of the Minimum Wage

Facebook Corner

( "Attacks on libertarians, especially attacks aimed at showing how psychologically damaged we must be, are a dime a dozen."
This mode of attack ignores Bastiat's famous notion of things seen and unseen. For example, Steve Jobs became wealthy in making computers, music, and cellphones accessible to the masses and in the process of pursuing his talents, he helped improve the quality of life for others.

via Easy Home Cooked Recipes

Canned boneless chicken sandwiches. I once got myself invited to Mom's cousin's apartment for dinner (a new houses up the block) so I wouldn't have to eat it. I love chicken prepared otherwise; it has more to do with the packing liquid.

Political Cartoon

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Dolly Parton (with Porter Wagoner), "Making Plans". This is the last of the duo's top 10 country hit. Parton has had other hit collaborations (notably Kenny Rogers), but Wagoner was her biggest one. I'll now transition to her primarily solo performances, some contiguous with her Wagoner collaboration.