
Monday, December 21, 2015

Miscellany: 12/21/15

Quote of the Day
Man has to suffer. When he has no real afflictions, he invents some.
Jose Marti

Earlier One-Off Post: The 2015 RAG Blog Minor Awards

Tweet of the Day
Chart of the Day: Unsustainable Public Pension Benefits

Public school outsourcing via mackinac
Image of the Day

Trumpillary via Twitter

Huckabee on the Bill of Rights

Free Speech Includes Toleration of Obnoxious Speech

Fear-Mongers vs. Liberty

Facebook Corner

(Victor Kocher the Libertarian). Graham ends his campaign for the White House.  Merry Christmas, Everyone
The problem is that everyone else is also a neo-con except for Rand Paul. I don't think Rand Paul will pick up Graham's 1% of the vote.

(Libertarian Catholic)Great article...until he claims that anarchy is off the table. Private enterprise can do everything that government can do and 99% of the time it does it more efficiently and effectively without coercion.
I was going to share this article, but this sentence stopped me, "Fortunately, the Protestant Reformation and the Glorious Revolution in sixteenth-century England cut the ties of the Christian church and the government.." As a Catholic, please tell me why this sentence shouldn't stop me from sharing, and I will share it. I read it as, "Thank goodness for Martin Luther". No.
Without reading the post yet, let me remind you that the British crown is tied to the Anglican Church, and there are other countries with an official Christian, not Catholic Church. In fact, there were colonies/early states with an official state religion, e.g., the Baptist protest to Connecticut and Congregationalism, leading to Jefferson's infamous separation of church and state letter. Remember the First Amendment at the time was relevant to the federal, not state government.

Political Cartoon

Re: Madigan, IL House Speaker, courtesy of Eric Allie via IPI
Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall
Musical Interlude: Christmas Hits

Bing Crosby & David Bowie, "Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth"