
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Miscellany: 12/05/15

Quote of the Day
Work like you don't need the money. 
Love like you've never been hurt. 
Dance like nobody is watching.
Mark Twain

Tweet of the Day

I'm not doing a rerun (re: first), but somehow this tweet touched a nerve and has been retweeted and liked/favorited more (my highest engagement rate) than any other tweet I've done to date (over 750) and my second highest impressions ever (as of noon today; my most popular was one about Kerry last month). I was as mad as a hornet at Rand Paul when I wrote that and had to choose my words very carefully.

First, I am a proponent of open borders or its variant open/liberalized immigration, and this is actually a dominant position among libertarians: This is best understood in terms of imports, say, cocoa beans, traditionally a Central American crop. Under the principles of free trade, a chocolate producer like Hershey would have no impediments (there is insufficient domestic production). The same type of consideration applies to another factor of production, such as migrant farm labor. More generally, we have a right to travel/migrate. Otherwise, living within US borders would be a type of prison. (Of course, we recognize these rights within the US; South Carolina doesn't assess a tariff on California avocados, and I don't need a passport to visit my relatives in Texas.) So when Rand Paul targets open borders, he's directly challenging an orthodox libertarian position--and using it as a pejorative in an attempt to appeal to the anti-immigrants, which deeply offends those of us who thought he had returned to his libertarian roots in the last debate.

Second, the idea that not changing the status quo for refugee processing to an even more restrictive process is open borders is absurd; the existing process is already heavily regulated, and the fact is that  none of the nearly 1M recent refugees have been associated with domestic terrorism. Targeting the victims of the Syrian civil war to even more delays and red tape is ethically reprehensible.
Image of the Day

via LFC

The Welfare Queen

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall
Musical Interlude: Chritmas Hits

Coldplay, "Christmas Lights"

The Good Samaritan

Taxpayer as Good Samaritan? Not so much . . .~ Randy England
Posted by Catholic Libertarians on Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The End Does Not Justify the Means, Including "Progressive" Policy

Romans 3:8
Ayn Rand is not enough. My take on the state's monopoly to initiate violence: Do moral ends justify immoral means? ~ Randy England
Posted by Catholic Libertarians on Saturday, December 5, 2015