As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality,
they are not certain, and
as far as they are certain,
they do not refer to reality.
Albert Einstein
Tweet of the Day
@realDonaldTrump's call for a moratorium on Muslim entry to the US is blatantly discriminatory and un-American.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) December 7, 2015
The federal government shouldn't subsidize any private sector organization, including Planned Parenthood. Money is fungible. No blood money.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) December 8, 2015
Ever notice how the "progressives" are obsessed with peripheral issues? E.g., marriage for the 2.5%-4% of gays, or the <=1% of mass murders?
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) December 8, 2015
Politico has discovered that Rubio drinks bottled water. Legislators spending money usually drink something else.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) December 8, 2015
Image of the Day![]() |
National Review mocks the NY Daily News |
The Anti-Growth Policy of Overregulation
Economic War and Pearl Harbor
The Obama Climate Change Tax and Regulate Agenda
Facebook Corner
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via Pro-Life Liberations |
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via pro-abort troll |
(Pro-Life Libertarians). Governments should protect the rights of the individual from the majority, not give into majority opinion.
Notice that the pro-aborts weren't citing polls back in 2012 when pro-lifers outnumbered pro-aborts by 9 points.
(Libertarian Catholic). The US federal government spends over $2 trillion on welfare and wealth redistribution a year. If you got rid of the bureaucracy and split that up between every citizen, each could get around $6500 a year. A basic income approach would be much more efficient than the current corrupt mess we have.
No, this is bad policy. Zwolinski has been pushing this nonsense for some time now. The argument that thieves are more efficiently spending the money they stole from me doesn't change the fact of the theft. It also doesn't change the fact a basic guaranteed income is bad economic policy, subsidizing leisure.
(Reason) Your GOP frontrunner, ladies and gents.
This is red meat for his anti-mmigrant know nothing cultists. It is blatantly discriminatory, illegal and unconstitutional.
(Reason). Finland has a reputation for being "one of the world's best functioning welfare states," but now the Nordic nation may scrap many of its social welfare programs in favor of giving every Finnish adult a basic income of about $866 per month.
Economic suicidal nonsense, paying people not to work, stealing from productive people to redistribute to others.
(Reason). Marco Rubio's obsession with water reveals this one indisputable fact about the candidate.
This is news because politicians spend the people's money like drunken sailors.
Unconstitutional, illegal bullshit, total pandering to his fellow fascist cultists.
Political Potpourri
There is something definitely wrong with that CNN poll over the weekend. IBD came out with its latest national poll with at least the fourth poll with Trump at 27 (vs. 36) with a 12-point lead over Carson, Rubio and Cruz in a 3 point range (essentially a 3-way tie for second), no other (including Bush) over 3 points. I've seen enough clumping to suggest the three are tied for second at this point. Others have written Carson off, but the fact is that he is one of the 2 GOP Top 4 (Rubio) to do well against Clinton. We are also seeing the Outsiders (Trump, Carson, and Fiorina) now regularly polling under 50% after a weeks-long straight streak of 50 or better. We have two inconsistent Iowa polls at RCP. CNN has Trump at 33, 13 over Cruz, Carson, and Rubio. I will say that Cruz has been hitting a 20-plus range fairly consistently lately. However, Monmount has Cruz at 24, 5 over Trump, followed by Rubio and Carson. My gut feeling is that the Monmount poll is more reliable, but clearly Carson, who had earlier won 3 or so Iowa polls, has slipped.
There are a number of pairwise matchups via MSNBC and PPP, showing the major GOP contenders all losing to Clinton and Sanders. However, in only 2 races (Clinton over Trump and Cruz) did the leader cross 50 points. If you're playing defense in a change election year, this is not good. The GOP candidates, except for Trump, are not as well-known and the old saw is you are an incumbent and you go into a contest under 50, you're in trouble, because the undecideds will likely break against you. Of course, Clinton is not the incumbent although she served in Obama's cabinet, but with the exception of Bush in 1988, we've seen up to 2 party terms and out regularly since FDR.
Choose Life: Sibling Love
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via National Review |
Courtesy of Chip Bok via Townhall |
Courtesy of the original artist via the Charles Koch Institute |
Hall & Oates, "Home For Christmas"