There is no greater impotence in all the world like
knowing you are right and that
the wave of the world is wrong, yet
the wave crashes upon you.
Norman Mailer
Tweet of the Day
Gary Johnson is so very wrong on so many things: Nazi cakes, the Civil Rights Act, Hiroshima, social security, etc. #NeverJohnson— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
If I were at the Libertarian Convention, my vote would go to Petersen. My fear is that Johnson may ride multiple polls showing him draw 10%.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
Well, for the first time in my life I'm watching the Libertarian Convention (I will be boycotting the Dem and GOP Conventions) this morning.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
Well, Tropical Storm Bernie, I mean Bonnie, is making itself known to my SC residence with thunderstorms & heavy rain. Bernie will also pass— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
The LP debates and presentations are a bit of an acquired taste. Doherty has an interesting take in Reason. I am more orthodox than Johnson.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
I tend to be more pragmatic in my politics than the LP, e.g., more criminal justice reform and decriminalization than drug legalization.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
I endorse a petition for let liberty debate, i.e., include the LP nominee in the Presidential debates this fall.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
One intriguing fact about the LP Presidential nomination rollcall: they start in alphabetic sequence from the asshole of the nation, DC.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
Gary Johnson barely missed the necessary majority on the first ballot at the LP convention with Petersen a distant second. Upcoming ballot.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
Gary Johnson picked up 6 pts on the second ballot to secure nomination at 55% of delegates. Petersen picked up little, if any support.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
For reasons I've tweeted earlier, I can't support Gary Johnson for POTUS. I do like the fact that Johnson has public executive experience.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
Who will I support? I still haven't seen an independent candidate emerge from the #NeverTrump movement. I'm leaning to a write-in, Coburn.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
How did Gary Johnson's hashtag become #FeeltheJohnson? Isn't Johnson slang for a male private part? This comes across as erotic.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
#BadDrinkNames Bloody Zombie— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
#BadDrinkNames Gin and Toxic— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 29, 2016
#TherapyIn4Words How do you feel?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 30, 2016
I never looked into the process of write-in voting. In some states you can't do it for POTUS; in other states, the candidate must register.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 30, 2016
Image of the DaySo I may end up eating my words, unless an independent candidate emerges, and voting for Johnson if the choices are Trump, Clinton, Johnson.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 30, 2016
Can Republicans Find a Home in the Libertarian Party?
Facebook Corner
(Catholic Libertarians). Pro-Life Republican: "Killing an unborn child is always wrong, no exceptions. Even in difficult situations like rape and incest, an innocent life should never be sentenced to death due to the crimes of another, no matter how heinous."
Pro-Life libertarian: "I agree. What about all the preborn babies (not to mention everyone else) in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945?"
Inconsistently-Pro-Life-Republican: "That's different."
The ends never justify the means. #ConsistentProLifeEthic
It's sad to see so much rubbish comments in this thread by misguided apologists over the war crimes of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings. I've been flamed on Twitter for pushing back on patriotically correct decisions. These wackos are just reinforcing the propaganda they were taught in public schools. The only thing I might add is that it wasn't just the nuclear attacks: the Allies' firebombing of Dresden and Tokyo were also unconscionable terror acts against civilians. Over a million Japanese civilians were made homeless; dozens of cities were bombed to rubble. And then there was an actual "Operation Starvation" in 1945 where imports of food were stopped and the average Japanese had maybe 80% of life-sustaining calories.
The Japanese were aware that the tide of the war had turned against them by 1944, and there is serious evidence that FDR was presented for an offer of surrender before Yalta by MacArthur very much like the actual terms. It seems the main stumbling block was the Japanese wanted to retain their monarchy, and bloodlust Americans wanted nothing less than "unconditional surrender". How many lives were destroyed, including American casualties, by an unnecessarily extended war?
It's not just Catholic prelates condemned the bombings. Conservative publications like the Chicago Tribune, Human Events and National Review sharply disagreed with the nuke bombings. I find it ironic now we see National Review, after Buckley's passing, turn out conventional defenses of the bombings.
And to wrap this comment, Gary Johnson, the libertarian in name only, not only wants to compel sales of Nazi cakes by Jewish bakers, but is okay with the Hiroshima bombing, to the point Tom Woods himself tweeted on the topic (I think it was yesterday, but I read it yesterday on a Johnson hashtag.)
(Pro-Life Libertarians). Personally, I had hoped that Austin Petersen would win the Libertarian Party's presidential nomination this time around. He was the only candidate who articulated even marginally pro-life views when it comes to abortion, and while he was far from perfect (I vehemently disagree with his views on the atomic bombings), I still believe that he would have been the best vehicle for our cause this election cycle.
Some have argued that Petersen would have won the nomination had he toned down the personal attacks on other libertarians, pledged his fidelity to the non-aggression principle, and acted less like an Internet troll. What are your thoughts on these allegations?
Pro-Life Libertarians At this point, I'm going to write in Ron Paul. I know he's not running, but that's the beauty of a protest vote.
I'm leaning to writing in Tom Coburn because of his fiscal conservatism and focus on entitlements. I cannot support Johnson because of deviations from the right of contract (Nazi cakes), Hiroshima, Civil Rights Statism.
Choose Life: Daddies Sing To/With Daughters
I love this video... She is so adorable
Sad, but beautiful
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of the original artist via Campaign For Liberty |
Whitney Houston, "Saving All My Love For You". Her first #1 and the single which really caught my attention. I still consider this song her signature song.