Have you ever observed that we pay much more attention to a wise passage when it is quoted than when we read it in the original author?
Philip G. Hamerton
Tweet of the Day
The Founding Fathers #GreaterThanTrump— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
The Constitution #GreaterThanTrump— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Rich Man (Hall & Oates) #MillionaireSongs— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Secret Bank Account (Doris Day) #MillionaireSongs— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Our Mansion (CSNY) #MillionaireSongs— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Drive My Lamborghini #MillionaireSongs— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
How Much Is That Diamond in the Window? (Patti Page) #MillionaireSongs— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Do You Want to Know My Secret Lock Combination? (Beatles) #MillionaireSongs— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Just Another Brick in Trump's Wall #MillionaireSongs— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
The Long and Winding Road Through My Estate #MillionaireSongs— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Coat of Many Foxes (Dolly Parton) #MillionaireSongs— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Love in a Car Elevator #MillionaireSongs— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
I don't follow auto racing that much. As a perpetual low-carb dieter, when I saw #CarbDay trending, I thought doughnuts, pasta, cake, fries.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
@galt_007 @BarackObama NOT the right thing to do. It was a monstrous war crime.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
@JustTheKK @galt_007 @BarackObama The propaganda you were taught in school? Japan tried to sue for peace a year before the atomic bombs.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
How I came to oppose the decision to use atom bombs in Japan was unlikely. I was brought up a military brat & my Dad was into WWII history.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
I had studied the conventional accounts to WWII in my high school and college history classes, how Truman saved us from a costly invasion.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
The fact is that Japan knew it had lost the war by 1944. It lacks basic natural resources like the oil needed to run its war machine.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
By early 1945, oil shipments had been stopped by blockade. Its Navy and Air Force were outmatched. Dozens of cities were reduced to rubble.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
@JustTheKK @galt_007 @BarackObama I suggest that you stop trying to rationalize deliberate attacks on civilians by Allied forces.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
A million Japanese people had become homeless. People weren't able to get enough food to eat. The stumbling block: unconditional surrender— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
The chief stumbling block: the Japanese wanted to retain their monarchy, and in the end we wisely allowed them to keep it.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
@JustTheKK @galt_007 @BarackObama I'm a classic liberal (libertarian). If you knew anything, conservatives of the period opposed the bombs.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
What is astonishing is the fact that mainstream conservatives defend the bomb decision. For years, National Review and others criticized it.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
@babsben 'Austerity' ALWAYS works. You are just a thieving bastard in denial. Taxes always steal from the more efficient private sector.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
@joschein The problem with fascists like you is your wishlist always exceeds other people's wallets.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
@joschein Not a Randian. I'm a classical liberal.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
@DarkStream Pearl Harbor was in part a response to FDR's embargo and freezing of assets. The atomic bombs were unconscionable war crimes.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
@DarkStream Pearl Harbor was an aggression, and the US had a right to self-defense. This doesn't justify war crimes against civilians.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Your car just got towed. #MakeMeMadIn5Words— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
@DarkStream Lying bastard. The Japanese wanted to surrender on the same terms before FDR went to Yalta. Inconvenient fact.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
You didn't make the cut. #MakeMeMadIn5Words— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
@SykesisAbstract @DarkStream The devil made me do it. No, war crimes are war crimes. We firebombed and nuked civilian targets. Unnecessary.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Your job application was rejected. #MakeMeMadIn5Words— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
You're just not good enough. #MakeMeMadIn5Words— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
@SykesisAbstract @DarkStream Nope. Japan tried to surrender on essentially the same terms a year earlier.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Trump is the lesser evil. #MakeMeMadIn5Words— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
As an MIS academic, I'm frustrated the federal government still has billions invested in obsolete, desupported IT https://t.co/rNMB4Uu1zn— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Trump is taking a victory lap, jeering at GOP rivals who were convinced that he would never win the nomination. Of course, if he drops dead.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Trump says that he'll transform the GOP into a worker's party. Actually, he is delusional that he can "fix" the economy by the same policies— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Trump thinks we can grow our way out of entitlement reform. This goes beyond voodoo economics. By some estimates, entitlements add $5T/yr.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
We needed to invest far more years ago, we needed to cut benefits years ago, just to avoid shifting more of the burden to future taxpayers.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
And Trump is not going to get economic growth by starting trade wars or restricting immigration. The stuff he is advocating SHRINKS economy.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
What we need is a freer economy: this means stopping economic interventions, expanding trade, lessening regulations and shrinking govt.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Trump doesn't want to shrink government; he thinks he's more competent. And this is still, to use Hayek's words, a fatal conceit.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
A sickly horse won't win the race just because you change the jockeys. The right jockey gives the horse room to heal and run his own race.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Wait... Here's my Presidential pardon from Obama #HillaryArrestQuotes— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
@Trumpbart Ever notice how bullies run away when somebody calls their bluff?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Trump called Elizabeth Warren Pocahantas. Actually, Warren claims to be Cherokee, and Pocahantas was one of the Powhatan.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
#ChickenTrump was told his opponent would be Colonel Sanders, not Bernie Sanders.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 27, 2016
Why won't Bernie Sanders address the failures of democratic socialism in Venezuela? #ChickenSanders— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 28, 2016
Image of the DayMark Perry of Carpe Diem in FEE debunks the 335X CEO/average worker wage ratio promoted by union propagandists.Redistributed CEO pay:$1.2/wk— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 28, 2016
The Benefits of Socialism
Rand Paul On the Dysfunctional War on Drugs
Libertarian Party Convention
Facebook Corner
(National Review). It defeated great evil and inaugurated a period of peace.
It was wrong and unnecessary. I suggest that you review National Review archives--NR was unambiguously critical of Truman's actions. What the hell has happened to NR since William Buckley passed?
(Reason). If this trend continues, the Libertarian Party could very well set a new interest record.
Not when you have an idiot like Gary Johnson who doesn't believe in voluntary contracts, i.e., jews baking Nazi cakes.
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall |
Whitney Houston (with Teddy Pendergrass), "Hold Me". What can you say: one of the best duets ever, her first A/C Top 10 hit.