
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Miscellany: 5/05/16

Quote of the Day
Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place,
but far more difficult still,
to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
Benjamin Franklin

Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

A Golden Hit From the Past

I can remember calling in a request to the radio station to play this song. I was more of a crossover country pop fan at the time, huge Cash fan. When Cash recorded it, it was an unlikely county protest song; it took courage to put out a song like this. I ended up buying a Cash box set just to get the track years later. Country stations don't play protest songs; take another favorite, Goldsboro's "Broomstick Cowboy". I first heard it on a Goldsboro compilation, and it blew me away the first time I heard it--it should have been a monster hit--I still play it all the time. The inner producer in me wants to rework the arrangement with more of a driving percussion, use of sound effects and echo, and a "White Rabbit"-style climax.

Of course, I've never sold a single track. I've never played an instrument (started teaching myself guitar and piano but got bored),  My younger siblings did. It sort of sucks when you're an amateur songwriter. Melodies with a decent hook are harder than lyrics. You never know: to me, lyrics like "love, soft as an easy chair" are beyond sappy, but the performer and writer made a fortune.

Open Immigration

The Federal Regulatory Regime Expands By Fiat

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Steve Breen via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Rod Stewart, "Baby Jane"