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Tweet of the Day
Only in America can a morally repulsive left-fascist get away with saying garbage like this. The status quo is due to people like you.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
What the hell makes you think that annual checkups are contingent on some fascist-regulated health care system?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
Experts say that you've committed 3 felonies today you didn't realize are on the books.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
You're drunk, left-fascist. Isn't it time for you to stop your childish temper tantrum over Trump's election? Clinton simply sucked.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
No, those emails were official government business and came under federal records law. They destroyed evidence AFTER being hacked.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
I think we libertarians have to counter Warren/Obama's "You didn't build that". Government, poverty, climate,healthcare: you can't fix that.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
I think we libertarians have to counter Warren/Obama's "You didn't build that". Government, poverty, climate,healthcare: you can't fix that.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
#MadeInAmericaWeek All of Trump's kids were born in America, but two of their mothers were imported from East Europe.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
You're delusional if you think that foreign spy organizations didn't know Hillary was using a private mail server. Why would they come out?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
No--I'm certified in Security+ and understand the risks to what Clinton did. But here's the progressive NYT saying:— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
You are in one hell of a state of denial. There were literally thousands of emails with the State Dept head using a non-government domain.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
All it took was one person who had Clinton's email address, Blumenthal, whose email account has hacked by Romanian hacker Guccifer. ,— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
Clinton had cleverly disguised her email domain: Who would have guessed? Guccifer had hacked many politicos— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
Since you don't know squat about hackers, they usually don't leave calling cards like "Kilroy was here". They had a known exploit.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
Do hackers try to crack into government email servers? All the time. Guccifer, an unemployed taxi driver, had already hacked into Powell's.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
Says the man who has been sucking at the public teat since 1996. The only success Barry has had is in doubling the national debt.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
Trump is economically illiterate enough to declare unilateral trade war with two of our biggest customers, Canada and Mexico. #NAFTA— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
While Japan has closed a trade deal with the EU, Trump can't cut free trade deals with the Asian or European economies. What a LOSER! #NAFTA— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
What economic illiterates like Trump don't understand is that exports are the price we pay to get import. We have CAPITAL SURPLUSES. #NAFTA— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
NAFTA was the only thing Bill Clinton ever got right. What Trump is trying to do is monumentally stupid and anti-consumer. #NAFTA— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
The climate fascists will claim that it was caused by Trump's environmental policies. "Tropical Storm Don"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
No, I didn't say Guccifer hacked into Clinton's server. I said he hacked into Blumenthal's email account and that's when we knew about hers.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
However, Guccifer was successfully prosecuted by both Romania and the US for hacking politicos. Do you really think there were no others?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 17, 2017
Not a leading question. It's inconceivable that Clinton's email server didn't get hacked. She kept government emails on a vulnerable server.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 18, 2017
The Government Bureaucratic Empire Grows
The Reality of Government Healthcare
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Jerry Holhert via Townhall |
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Bette Midler, "Wind Beneath My Wings". Bette's one and only #1 hit on the Hot 100.