
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Post #3285 M

Quote of the Day

Your unhappiness is not due to 
your want of a fortune or high position or fame or sufficient vitamins. 
It is due not to a want of something outside of you, 
but to a want of something inside you. 
You were made for perfect happiness. 
No wonder everything short of God disappoints you.
Fulton Sheen  

Tweet of the Day

DEAD WRONG: The Ex-Im Bank Is a Good Deal For Americans

Why The Student Loan Bubble?

I ended up with a cumulative $1600 loan for a private college B.A.--no family contribution, no full-ride scholarship, paying my own room and board. And part of the reason for that was I couldn't get a work-study job for several weeks in my first year. I wasn't exactly picky; at one point I was mopping floors at 6 AM. The other 3 degrees, at much cheaper state universities, were paid without incurring a loan, although at one point during my UH years, I had less than $100 to my name. Of course, $1600 was worth more then than today but I had paid it off while still in grad school. No GI bill, no employer contribution. While I was a resident grad student, I had teaching or teaching assistant duties, I sometimes worked registration, I did a modest amount of paid tutoring, and I won a competitive fellowship and a dissertation award.

Catholic-In-Name-Only Political Whore

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Neil Diamond (with Buffy Lawson), 'Marry Me". I think I never heard this song until years after its release. I probably heard it over an A/C station one day, and the song totally captivated me to the point I had to buy the album (I think I found it on just for the track. This is one I love to sing along with and may even record myself performing it one day (not that my vocals are comparable to Diamond's but the song fits my musical style). I've fantasized proposing to my future wife with the song (if I can ever find the love of my life). I don't think this song charted anywhere, which is a shame because it's one of his best songs and a rare duet which really works.