
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Post #3274 M

Quote of the Day

If instead of a gem, or even a flower, 
we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, 
that would be giving as the angels give.
George MacDonald  

Tweet of the Day

Trump's Failed Economic Policy on Cuba

Illinois' Budgetary House of Cards

Why Amish Businesses Succeed

Facebook Corner

(Illinois Policy). UPDATE: State Rep. Mike Unes says he's a "YES" vote on Madigan's permanent $5 billion tax hike.
Rep. Unes said, "This is the sword I'm willing to die on. If it costs me my seat, so be it."
You can email him here:
We libertarians point out that Republicans and Democrats are basically the same unprincipled political whores. A Republican voting for a $5B tax hike should be primaried next election.

(Illinois Policy). UPDATE: State Rep. David Harris says he's a "YES" on Madigan's $5 billion tax hike.
Note that the tax hike is a permanent increase.
Watch the live debate here:
 Vote Davis Harris out of office. This is a betrayal to Illinois taxpayers.

(Reason). Confederate monuments were put up to enshrine an interpretation of the past that has been discredited. Taking them down and putting up different statues is a reminder that in understanding the past, we shape the future.
Nothing like a pseudo-libertarian trying to impose his preferences on others. The fact of the matter is that when the Civil War ended, slavery was still constitutional. The Civil War was a war of aggression by the remaining United States (including some border slave states). The real issue is whether the South had a right of self-defense. It is true that the Southern slaveholders were politically powerful and saw the election of Lincoln with zero Southern state support as ominous, i.e., tyranny of the majority, but to say honoring Confederate leaders and war heroes defending against the invasion of their homeland is equivalent to honoring the institution of slavery is feeble-minded at best. Let us not forget some 12 Presidents, including Gen Grant, owned slaves during or before their time in office. Let us recall that some abolitionists had called for secession of Northern states to circumvent the Constitutionally protected institution of slavery. Presentist bias and political correctness are hardly libertarian values.

Meet the Wrestling Heel, the Progressive Liberal

Make sure you start at the beginning of the clip. I haven't seen this guy's promos, but it would be funny if he calls the fans "deplorables", quotes Hillary's tweets, reminds Trumpkins that Hillary won the popular vote, and takes money from his defeated opponents, calling it their "fair share".

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Neil Diamond, "Be Mine Tonight"