
Monday, January 23, 2017

Post #3091 M

Quote of the Day

Talent works, genius creates.
Robert A. Schumann  

Tweet of the Day

Image of the Day

Towards Real Child Development: Education Choice and Free Range Kids

Bless the Beasts and the Children

The Failure of Big Government Economics

Facebook Corner

(Pro-Life Libertarians). Taxation is theft, even when a Republican does it.

 I, too. am mystified by this bizarre libertarian infatuation with an economic illiterate authoritarian like Trump. Gary North recently called Trump's inauguration speech as one of the best ever, comparing it to Lincoln, FDR, and JFK's. Lew Rockwell seems to totally buy into Trump's transparent pseudo-populist "anti-Establishment" hype, even as Trump staffs his administration with veteran politicians, political operatives, and generals.

But even worse, Trump's protectionism is anti-consumer and anti-business; it will worsen the standard of living for all except his favored few.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Pat Benatar, "Suffer the Little Children/Hell Is For Children". We're leading off with my favorite Benatar song--and my favorite performance of it with the "Suffer the Little Children" intro. I first heard the latter on a CD or phonograph given to me by my first sister's husband years back (probably in some storage box now). I was searching on Youtube several weeks back and couldn't find it; finally, someone posted it. My RN sister was distraught at having to deal with the results of child abuse on the job. I'm crazy about little kids and babies, although never blessed with my own. I even cringe at the sight of the occasional embarrassed mom slapping a crying or misbehaving child at Walmart.