
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Post #3074 M

Quote of the Day

The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are: 
Hard work, 
Stick-to-itiveness, and 
Common sense. 
Thomas A. Edison  

Tweet of the Day

Trump and Foreign Policy

Friends and Family

One of my grandnephews

I normally keep my family out of the blog. All but one of my nuclear family have blue eyes (the other sister has green), and three of my sisters (and 2 brothers) are blonde (including this little dude's grandmother and my niece), although two went darker blond. (My own hair is/was in the blur zone between dark blond and light brown; my third grade picture was unambiguously blond, but brownish by fourth grade (but it looked much lighter outside). I got into a hassle I think once for a government ID or at a doctor's office referring to my hair as blond and so I've since simply referred to (what's left) of my hair as light brown.

The little dude just had his hair cut; I told my niece I think he would make a great model; the camera loves him. I discovered one of my other nieces has a newborn son. Interesting pattern: M-F-M-F-M. (My folks stutter-stepped: M-F-M-F-F-M-F.)

Image of the Day

Why Sasse Is One of My Two Favorite Senators

This is an example of why Ben Sasse, in addition to Rand Paul, is one of my favorite Senators. Only a few pro-liberty legislators (including Massie and Amash) have the stones to stand up to the Trumps of the world.

Facebook Corner

(on a National Review thread Hanson on Immigration)
Wrong. First of all, people aren't illegal. What's UNCONSTITUTIONAL is your deciding who can work for me, visit or live with me. I don't care if they're from another state or country--it's none of your damn business. Your kingdom ends at your front door.

(National Review).

DEAD WRONG. Getting rid of the individual mandate is not a "cheap, easy" win. It was a key item in the Constitutional battle over ObamaCare. It's forcing them to buy a product they don't necessarily want or need. It was unprecedented, and it must be abolished now. I think it's an easier sell than other reforms; in fact, Obama originally opposed a mandate when he first ran for POTUS.

The issue of preexisting conditions can be handled by shoring up high risk pools administered independently by the states individually and/or regionally (for less-populated states).

The thing that National Review gets right in this clip is that we don't need the feds super-regulating/intervening on traditional state responsibilities, except for using interstate commerce authority to break down state barriers to healthcare providers and insurers

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Robert Ariail via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Cher, "Heart of Stone"