
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Post #3055 M

Quote of the Day

God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers.
Jewish proverb 

Tweet of the Day
Congress vs. Obama Regulation

Exodus From Chicago/Illinois

Is Trump a Socialist?

Facebook Corner

(National Review). President-elect Donald J. Trump has made most of his major cabinet picks, including but not limited to Rex Tillerson, (Sec. of State) James "Mad Dog" Mattis, (Sec. of Def.) Rick Perry (Sec. of Energy) Tom Price (HHS Secretary) and Betsy DeVos. (Sec. of Energy)
Do you approve of his Cabinet picks so far?
 Did anyone else point out that NR listed TWO secretaries of energy? DeVos is heading the Department of Education.
 Question is do you? NR was predicting the end of the world by now if Trump won. I bet your just itching to pounce on the first mistake to somehow prove you were right about Trump all along and restore your butt hurt egos.
National Review was right in the first place. Now, just like the Vichy French make their corrupt bargain with Hitler. the National Review is making its peace with the right-fascist Trump. But in doing so, NR is selling its soul to the devil. You all will be complaining about Trump selling you out soon enough. #NeverTrump

Santa: Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Political Humor: Stein's Unproductive Anti-Trump Recount

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall

Musical Interlude: Christmas Favorites

Nat King Cole, "The Christmas Song". I remember singing this in high school choir.