He who is firm in will molds the world to himself.
Johann Gottlieb
Judge Napolitano Is EXACTLY RIGHT About Immigration
Facebook Corner
(Catholic Libertarians). [See above video.] "...To true Thomas Aquinas natural-law-loving libertarians—that our rights come from our humanity—you have the right to travel wherever you want, which includes across a border. So I am unabashedly, unapologetically, an open-borders person. If I want my cousins from Florence to come and live in my home, or if I want to rent an apartment for them to stay here, quite frankly, it's none of the federal government's business..." ~ Judge Andrew Napolitano
All perceived problems with free migration are actually due to the socialist welfare state, foreign intervention, and/or government prohibitions, not from the liberty to travel freely.
Judge Napolitano is spot on--on every point. Note that the same holds true for open trade as well. For legitimate Catholic libertarians, this is the only legitimate standpoint. Mobocracy has no moral authority over individual liberty.
No. Render unto Caesar what is Caesars. Jesus acknowledged the authority of the state, and the state has the right to manage it's borders. [response to the video, not my comment].
Oh, my God. What a trite and ill-considered comment by a clueless OP. First of all, you completely misunderstand what you are reading in the gospel. He did not say, "Submit to your earthly rulers." In the passage you cite, Jesus is being put to the test; His enemies are hoping to find evidence for insurrection against Rome and/or drive a wedge with followers who hated the Roman occupiers. Jesus never says His followers owe anything to the Romans. He's merely stating if you have Caesar's coat, give it back to him. More importantly, He has brought the Kingdom of God into the equation--not because it is a lesser or equal authority, but a higher authority.
It is true that Jesus specifically disavowed earthly power on several occasions in the New Testament. If you look at the story of the fish and the coin (Mt 17: 24-27), Jesus makes it quite clear He has no obligation to pay taxes to the authority; He does so mainly because He doesn't want a political kerfuffle to distract from His message of salvation. This is hardly an endorsement of the State. Never once does He tell followers, "Make a law so other people have to do what I want." He makes it clear the individual has the free will to respond to God's grace.
I could go on and on about Romans 13 and other text you and other deceivers try to use to justify worshiping the primacy of the State vs. the individual.
And stop misquoting Friedman on immigration. In fact, he specifically says he supports illegal Latino immigration so long as it remains illegal. What does that mean? You have to be "legal" to qualify for social welfare. But you hypocrites only seem to have problems with morally hazardous social welfare to deny the rights of others to migrate. Attack the social welfare net directly for everybody, not just migrants.
On Political Correctness, the First Amendment, and Left-Fascist Authoritarians
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Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Henry Payne via Townhall |
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