
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Post #3034 M

Quote of the Day

They can conquer who believe they can.

Tweet of the Day

Pedal Pubs vs Local Ordinances

IL House Speaker Madigan Has Been in Power Since 1983: Time For Term Limits?

The Remix of a Hit Song

I referenced this remix of the former top-charting ballad from about 1982 recently in my software blog. (I had stumbled across it while listening to Amazon Prime Music.) I'm not crazy about artists remixing their old hits (e.g., Sedaka and Clapton's acoustic version of the rock anthem 'Layla'). This version just knocks me out;  as much as I like the original, I prefer this interpretation, which omits the spoken bridge, has nuanced inflections on the vocals and more harmony. I was surprised to read in video comments how many people hate the song. Apparently (I didn't know this) an earlier version was released (in 1977)  and proved to be controversial. E.g., she sings about wondering how it would have been like to have children, and some felt it implied that she regretted aborting an unborn child. I never read that into the song, and I'm pro-life. I always felt, given the biological clock of fertility, she regretted losing the opportunity to have children as she frittered those years away making other choices, and she didn't want young women to repeat those same mistakes.

Political Humor

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Henry Payne via Townhall

Musical Interlude: Christmas Favorites

Zooey Deschanel and Leon Redbone, "Baby It's Cold Outside"