
Friday, March 4, 2016

Miscellany: 3/04/16

Quote of the Day
Let no man imagine that he has no influence. 
Whoever he may be, and wherever he may be placed, 
the man who thinks becomes a light and a power.
Henry George

Tweet of the Day

Image of the Day

What's scary ia I know most of these names
Remy's Back...

Facebook Corner

(Reason). Simply put, Donald J. Trump is the distillation of conservative Republican politics for all of the 21st century. He's not the cause of a GOP implosion, but the final effect of an intellectual and political hollowing-out of any semblance of commitment to limited government, individual rights, and free markets.
Rubbish. Nick Gillespie is using the spectacle of Donald Trump to engage in pure GOP bashing. I don't have an issue with a well-deserved general critique of the GOP and agree with much of Nick's points, but arguing this political chameleon is something this mythical GOP establishment deserved is ridiculous. If you haven't noticed, for the past 7 years, you've had a similarly narcissistic authoritarian of the left, swept into office on vacuous catchphrases and empty promises, armed with a phone and a veto pen. There's only so much the GOP can do with a leftist occupying the White House and enough votes in either chamber to sustain a veto. Did the GOP overpromise what they could do? Not really; they have broken the streak of trillion dollar deficits.

But to spend 8 years in exile from the Oval Office and now find an unlikely celebrity billionaire populist demagogue as your lead candidate, an ill-tempered, foul-mouthed, unqualified, unprincipled, flip-flopping authoritarian wannabe who wants to bring corrupt wheeling and dealing to the White House? A step too far.

Trump, who criticized Romney's immigration restrictionst policy for his 2012 defeat, went all in on bringing Know Nothingness to the party of Lincoln, who rejected Know Nothings as morally corrupt. He in fact claimed to making immigration an issue in this campaign, when in fact Pete Wilson did it in California, which has been solid blue for a generation since and GOP restrictionists have repeatedly blocked reform at least 3 times over the past decade.

I have been nominally registered as a Republican, but as a classical liberal who believes in open immigration and non-interventionist policy, I'm done with the Party of Trump, and no, I won't return to the Party of Clinton. #NeverTrump

Political Humor

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of the original artist via Catholic Libertarians
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Stevie Wonder, "We Can Work It Out". One of the best Beatles remakes ever!

Ben Carson Analyzes 2016 Candidates

Ben Carson plays Word Association
Dr. Ben Carson describes each of the presidential candidates in one word during our interview.
Posted by Katie Couric on Thursday, March 3, 2016