
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Miscellany: 3/03/16

Quote of the Day
For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.
Lily Tomlin

Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

Facebook Corner

(National Review). Senator Ben Sasse is pledging to oppose Trump no matter what, and is urging conservatives to unite around a third-party alternative should he clinch the nomination.
It's sad so many retarded Trump cultists are spamming this thread. This bogus "establishment Republicans" my ass. The retards don't know what they're talking about; they're brainwashed, gullible idiots repeating whatever The (Fascist) One tells them. Rubio and Cruz, in fact, beat the establishment favorites in their Senate runs.

None of us are happy with the fact that the President is a left-fascist, He's blocking long overdue reforms, but at least the GOP has stopped the trillion-dollar deficits. We were on an unsustainable course before the 2010 elections.

No, if and when Trump fails to win in November, it will be a win for true conservatives and libertarians. We will have stopped an ill-tempered, unqualified, incompetent, unprincipled, anti-constitutional, narcissistic authoritarian wannabe. As bad as Hillary Clinton is, Trump is worse. Trump would be a disaster like the so-called conservative George Bush, who did Medicare expansion, grew the 6-figure bureaucracy, eviscerated our constitutional rights under the Patriot Act, created the DHS superbureaucracy, raised domestic expenditures the most since LBJ, and got us into 2 unnecessary wars. Conservatives had to fight their own President. Never again.

No, at least if Hillary Clinton knows how to do one thing, it's to unite real conservatives. But we are not he traitors trying to nominate one of her past big donors, a corrupt crony capitalist trying to buy the Presidency. That's on you bastards. Real conservatives are against both fascists in the race.

Apple vs. FBI

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Steve Breen via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Stevie Wonder, "Heaven Help Us All"