
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Miscellany: 11/01/15

Quote of the Day
Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene.
Arthur Christopher Benson

Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day
via LFC

Boy in trouble for giving fellow student his chicken burrito

Integrity and a Touch of Human Kindness

Facebook Corner

(a follow-up exchange on Pro-Life Libertarians, starting with my original comment)
The pro-abort fascists would abort the "unwanted" children, period. Genocidal bastards.
You make want to look up the definition of genocide, Ronald A Guillemette
this link
Sample quote:
The official French definition, while not as specific as Ecuador's, is perhaps the most inclusive of any nation. France's definition of genocide begins with the recognized target groups of "national, ethnic, racial and religious" but adds, "or of a group determined by any other arbitrary criterion."
So it seems that the Genocide Awareness Project
[a pro-life endeavor] is not far afield in expanding the meaning of genocide. In the case of abortion, the group of human beings intended for destruction "in whole or in part" is determined by size, age, degree of dependency, location, level of function and a vague, imposed condition of unwantedness; abortion therefore qualifies as genocide under the French definition, and that of a few other nations, because those criteria are all arbitrary as excluders from the human family.
(FEE). "Labeling GM products would be expensive and potentially counterproductive by discouraging innovation in this necessary technology."
You realize this post will cause all the gullible anti-GMO cultists to show up to spam the thread, arguing that Monsanto must be underwriting the think tank as well as the hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific articles debunking fearmongering propaganda. We are seeing progress: Uganda’s President Museveni recently endorsed the benefits of biotechnological progress, a step forward in the battle for food security.

Food labeling is an unnecessary expense, which is meant to stigmatize/red flag perfectly safe food. (It's like requiring members of a certain faith to wear a telltale symbol of their religion.) If non-GMO cronies want to promote their goods, they have every incentive to mark their own products. Premiums for organic produce can range from 15-60% or more.
Ron, I'd recommend the decaf. The "cultists," etc., who want to be informed about their food react oddly, I'll admit, when labeling is refused and the namecalling ensues. Funny how that works.
No, you corrupt anti-competitive Luddite crony capitalist bastard troll. We need to battle fearmongering anti-scientist know nothings like you from trying to use the State to promote your overpriced, nutritionally inferior non-GMO products at the expense of consumers.
So much for consumers being able to make informed choices for themselves about the food they eat eh?
No, idiot food fascist. Nutrition labels provide all relevant information. If you special interest crony capitalist bastards want to promote your overpriced, inferior non-GMO alternatives, label your own products.
I want to know what i'm eating.
If you want to boycott nutrtious, inexpensive, safe food because producers see no need to capitulate to the extortion of alarmist, special interest anti-science goons, go ahead. But you have no right to impose your label preferences on other people,

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Nate Beeler via Patriot Post
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Aretha Franklin, "I Say a Little Prayer"