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Guest Blog Post: Uh, Oh! Trouble in Libertarian Paradise: Kochs split from Trump
As to the moron who said there is no such thing as a libertarian-conservative, he is delusional; I'm one, and there are a number of others--the Pauls, Amash, Massey, Sanford, etc. Conservatism depends on the context of tradition, and in this country, we've had a tradition of classical (economic) liberty. But as to those of us fusionists being the minions of the Koch brothers, I do get tired of the fascists using the Koch brothers as their whipping boys, but the candidates that the Koch brothers have backed over the years have not been libertarians or fusionists, and I have differences with the Koch brothers on a number of issues. We libertarians want to limit government, which is in everyone's best interest, not just the Koch brothers.
Eric is delusional if he thinks that right-fascist Donald "Four Bankruptcies" Trump is a libertarian. According to Jeffrey Tucker, almost nobody at FreedomFest bought into Trump's act. He was brought in as a celebrity speaker to sell tickets. This self-promoting, incompetent crackpot has an unfavorable rating of nearly 60%--this means, he has no chance of getting elected anything...Case closed. You guys have got to get off this morally corrupt anti-immigrant kick; it's the surest way to elect Hillary Clinton.
Facebook Corner
(I was getting trolled on an LFC thread of a recent crisis of a Georgia county when the government-operated water utility had to shut down; there was a run on bottled water. It turns out this county is one of those with an anti-price gouging law in effect. The moderator and all free market types, including myself, strongly object to anti-price gouging laws; I said something to effect of rent a UHaul and find a Sam's Club with bottled water in stock in another county; lift the price caps, and let the market find an equilibium--high prices would attact suppliers, mitigate shortages, and the price would reach a new equilibrium. I ended up getting spammed by "progressive" trolls arguing all sorts of nonsense about demand shocks and the impossibilities of resupplying, that there was already incentive enough for suppliers to resupply at current prices, etc. I wanted to rant at the latest troll, and the moderator stepped in, and I followed with my response.)
As of yesterday (Tuesday), Kroger shelves were still without water, even in surrounding counties. Had there been a free price system, 3 days would have been plenty of time to make sure that shelves would have been adequately stocked. Allowing fluctuating prices in a disaster is the quickest and most efficient way to restore needed supplies
Finally, a voice of sanity. I was getting trolled by Statist idiots. Is there any doubt when some idiot writes something as ludicrous as "Although, I'm calling bullshit on price caps creating a shortage." He wasn't smart enough to say "price caps above the market equilibrium'--but the main point is how you deal with a shortage and it's not the role of incompetent politicians or bureaucrats to intervene in a voluntary transaction, PERIOD. Some retailers would try to manage a run by imposing customer quotas and/or raising prices. Scarcity is the core issue behind economics. People make all sorts of runs in a crisis. I lived through a hurricane while I lived in Houston. There were people in San Antonio, almost 200 miles away, buying a month's worth of groceries and cleaning out supermarkets. But the one thing we know; Statist planners will bleep things up; remember this gem from Katrina? "The story they tell is shocking: U.S. and local government officials ordered the local drinking water turned off and refused to allow water or food relief into New Orleans. ...Even three Wal-mart trucks loaded with drinking water were denied entry and turned away. No water was allowed into New Orleans." Supermarkets should not have to worry about whether the local fascists are going to go after them for any price increases. The price is what the market decides and not some "progressive" troll without a constructive idea except to attack the notion of getting the hell out of the way of consumers and suppliers. I would say if anybody is able to replenish supplies, it's Wal-Mart, whose logistics know-how is legendary.
(This is a follow-up exchange of a National Review thread on the GMO kerfuffle)
Ronald, your last comment [Perhaps we should require a warning that this non-GMO rice does not have beta carotene, which can save thousands of children from blindness or death] sounds like something a liberal would say: "if you don't want healthcare reform you want to throw granny off a cliff." Absurd to say if you're against consuming something that has unknown consequences on your body, you want to see thousands of children inflicted with blindness & death. Really just absurd.
I'm talking about golden rice, of course. We have a humane solution for a serious problem, and I am, in fact, saying that you morally corrupt, anti-scientific nut jobs are morally responsible for unnecessary suffering with your irresponsible fear-mongering bullshit propaganda:
"On November 7, 2013, Pope Francis gave his personal blessing to Golden Rice (GR). Why is this significant? Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is responsible for 500,000 cases of irreversible blindness and up to 2 million deaths each year. Particularly susceptible are pregnant women and children. Across the globe, an estimated 19 million pregnant women and 190 million children suffer from the condition. The good news, however, is that dietary supplementation of vitamin A can eliminate VAD. One way that holds particular promise is the administration via GR, which had been engineered to produce large amounts of vitamin A. A 2012 study by Tang et al. (http://bit.ly/1bc6FJx) published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that 100-150 g of cooked GR provided 60% of the Chinese Recommended Intake of vitamin A. Estimates suggest that supplementing GR for 20% of the diet of children and 10% for pregnant women and mothers will be enough to combat the effects of VAD."
(Lew Rockell). Trump Schools the Republican Establishment
The delusional self-promoting, thin-skinned, incompetent right-fascist "Four Bankruptcy" wannabe proves that a crazy old uncle can attract the votes of gullible derangement syndrome right-ring populists. This asshole has a nearly 60% unfavorable rating, which means he's dead on arrival in a general election campaign.
I know Lew Rockwell gets a kick out of the GOP elites crapping in their pants that a Trump-led ticket could lead to the biggest wipeout since the Goldwater campaign. But the idea of a Trump thinking he can order Ford to insource a factory back from China, that his bluster can win the day in diplomacy, threaten tariffs without launching a lose-lose trade war. This guy is an angry, dumber Bush on steroids. I mean, seriously--7 years of declining median income and net worth, does it really make sense running an even richer guy than Romney in a party dying to run a class warfare campaign. This guy with his schoolyard bully antics is stealing the oxygen from worthier candidates like Rand Paul and Rubio.
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