Ability is nothing without opportunity.
Napoleon Bonaparte
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via Hopkins John on FB |
Via Independent Institute |
The Best That the Dems Have to Offer?
Facebook Corner
(Rand Paul 2016). Rand Paul has suggested arming the Kurds instead.
I suggest that we stop intervening EVERYWHERE, including Syria and Iraq.
(FEE). Do you think mandatory vaccinations are compatible with liberty? Read the arguments, then vote in the Arena: http://at.FEE.org/1eDaZuJ
Absolutely, vaccines for contagious diseases are moral imperatives. Of course, I expected the usual morally corrupt, crackpot, anti-science anti-vaxxers to spam the thread. "The mechanisms for claimed health problems are rejected or have not been explained by current scientific research. Vaccine-preventable diseases have been a major cause of illness, death, and disability throughout human history. ...To put it simply: complications are more likely to arise from illness than from vaccination." This is more than your "right", say, not to wear a helmet or seat belt and thus spend the rest of your life with a needless traumatic brain injury; this has to do with your increasing the risk of the most vulnerable of the population, who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons.
how does the person who is unvaccinated hurt the person who is?
Are you really that stupid? Some people may be vulnerable because they cannot, for health reasons, be vaccinated. Unvaccinated, you could endanger their lives by infecting them, whether or not intentionally.
(Cato Institute). "E-Verify’s high costs and ineffectiveness at deterring unlawful immigration should disqualify it as a component of immigration reform."
Every time Nowresteh publishes anything, the xenophobe anti-immigrant trolls show up to spam the thread. These morally-corrupt anti-business busybodies are economically clueless Statists who are fundamentally anti-liberty zealots who attempt to manipulate the labor market at the expense of the consumer. It's time to do away with the past century of economy-killing, special interest immigration restrictions, more than past time for the government to get the hell out of the hiring process.
(Citizens Against Government Waste). ObamaCare Can't Account for Almost $3 Billion In Subsidy Payments
Given a government which lacks the controls to prevent Medicare fraud, decades into the life of the program, why should we be surprised by an expansion of the government's healthcare empire-building lacks the controls and discipline of a private sector participant which is vested in tight financial controls? These government bureaucrats keep their jobs whether or not these billions of taxpayer money are ever accounted for.
insurance companies are making money hands or fist, and they still won't bring the cost down for working families!! Why aren't the LIBERALS protesting about this!!
Look, here, folks; we have a populist, bullshitting, know-nothing, "progressive" RETARD, writing something totally ignorant of facts. According to Conover/Forbes, "This year’s Fortune 500 (covering 2013) shows that health insurers as a group continue to post rather mediocre profit results for the sixth straight year in a row. Indeed, when return on revenue is used as the measure of profits, the biggest firms among health insurers/managed care companies (e.g., UnitedHealth Group UNH, Wellpoint WLP) used to reliably outperform those in the retail pharmacy and other services industry (e.g., ExpressScripts ESRX, Quest Diagnostics DGX). But under the Obama administration, they have reversed positions."
Surprise!! The Unaffordable HealthcareTax was just another government give away to a corporate sponsor. And yet the right wing insist obama is a Socialist.
Just another "progressive" RETARD. What did you miss in the article's mention it was the freaking GOVERNMENT that screwed up? "Because of that, HHS "cannot verify the accuracy of the nearly $2.8 billion it authorized for financial assistance payments during our audit period."" It dealt with poor government internal controls. These were SUBSIDIES to help pay for insurance. We don't know they ever got to an insurer; for all we know, it got sucked up in the parasitic HHS vortex of bureaucratic slush funds, it got spent on things other than insurance, etc.
(IPI). Chicago homeowners could face up to a 30% hike in their property taxes to pay for the city's financial problems.
Our Vice President of Government Affairs, Matt Paprocki, joined Charles Thomas ABC7 on ABC 7 Chicago to discuss.
First point of order is to abolish the Chicago City Council. The Aldermen should have a class action federal lawsuit filed against them for their malfeasance and misfeasance. Second, Chicago should be cut off from Illinois. Smart businesses continue to move out of Chicago. Third, Rahm Emanuel and the Liberals should be in prison for destroying Chicago. That would be HARD WORK labor prison camps in Arizona. Fourth, immediately deport every single last illegal alien. Chicago's sanctuary city is from hell. Finally, send in the National Guard to get rid of the gangs in Chicago.
If we could prosecute every political whore for every bad decision/vote they cast, there wouldn't be enough jails to hold them, starting with The One We've Been Waiting For (To Go To Jail). This is a country where self-serving parasitic voters count as much as taxpayers. It's almost impossible to cut a government's budget when there are special interests behind every dollar spent.
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Ken Catalino via Townhall |
Dionne Warwick, "No Long So Long"