There's nothing I like less than bad arguments for a view that I hold dear.
Daniel Dennett
Tweet of the Day
The gullible, economic-illiterate anti-immigrant crazies don't realize they are being used by know-nothing Donald "Four Bankrupcies" Trump.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 21, 2015
Religious LibertyI think this historian is a little too pro-Protestant. Let us not forget the whole discussion of the "separation of church and state" was Jefferson's response to Baptists complaint of their treatment in the state of Connecticut, which had a state religion of Congregationalism. Catholics were repressed under the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. There were a series of European wars of religion after the start of the Protestant reformation. Anti-Catholicism has been pervasive throughout American history since the days of the colonies. (The Puritans thought the Church of England was "too Roman".) Even though roughly a quarter of Americans are Catholic, the US has had only had one Catholic President (JFK), who faced open opposition from prominent Protestant clerics, repeating century-old false propaganda claim (we Catholics only accept the Pope's leadership on matters of faith and morals; in fact I have been a harsh critic of Pope Francis in this blog).
Image of the Day
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Via Lantz West on FB |
Facebook Corner
(Rand Paul 2016). Rand Paul May Use Filibuster to Try to De-Fund Planned Parenthood After Shock Video
The government should fund women getting their tubes tied and men getting vasectomies......not abortions!
No, the government should not pay for birth control decisions of couples. If they look at the costs of raising a child, they may decide that more permanent forms of birth control may be to their own long-term benefit. I don't believe in a couple socializing their personal birth control costs.
(National Review). "Our nation's warriors...deserve a leader who will stand up for them, not one who ridicules the deadly circumstances they willingly put themselves in when they volunteer to protect our nation." -- Rick Perry
The self-important, thin-skinned, economically illiterate, crazy-old-uncle Donald "Four Bankruptcies/Four Draft Deferments" Trump is simply manipulating the morally corrupt, ignorant, anti-immigrant xenophobes and bigots by saying divisive bullshit propaganda designed to sabotage the GOP's chances to win the White House in 2016. Current restrictive immigrations laws are not only an attack on the American economy but unconstitutional and un-American in nature. I see the retarded minions of the billionaire buffoon are spamming this post, which is to be expected.
(Catholic Libertarians). Article from Ron Paul's
Jesus Christ is a monarchist! Since only Jesus Christ is King then I am some sort of anarchist when it comes to secular governance. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's. I wait for the day when the ruler of this world completely passes away from the reigns of power and Jesus Christ returns in glory.
No, Christ was not a monarchist; He was a teacher who used rhetorical devices. He talked about a higher authority, but we have the freedom and responsibility whether to respond to grace.
Somewhat stretching or embellishing some points in this imo. I don't think Jesus was in particular thoughtful of any political stance. His mission was solely focused on following God. Taxes are neither here nor there, it is simply just a world system, pay them and don't spend much time fretting over them otherwise your mind will be consumed by the things of this world more than the things of God. Are taxes unfair? sure. But God never promised a fair world in the eyes of man. Equality is solely through the cross and cross only.
Not quite. I do agree that He said the greatest commandment is to love God, but He makes it clear that earthly rules and regulations (e.g., His condemnation of Moses-sanctioned divorce) are suboptimal--and let us not forget that He prized personal response to grace--if earthly law were somehow to compel virtue, one is not responding freely to it. He clearly did not want His mission co-opted by political matters and personal ambitions.
(Rand Paul 2016). Rand Paul often disagrees with John McCain but salutes him for his service to our country.
As a libertarian-conservative, I think John McCain's policies are out of step with a pro-liberty perspective, although I applaud his political courage and leadership on overdue immigration reform. Donald "Four Bankruptcies" Trump is a self-promoting economically illiterate buffoon, and he is an embarrassment to true Americans everywhere: his anti-immigration and anti-trade policies are the rantings of an irrational madman. That this chickenhawk draft dodger should call into question McCain's undeniable heroism as a POW is unconscionable. This piece of work and his gullible idiotic nativist minions of xenophobes and bigots can go straight to hell for all I care.
Immigration doesn't need reform. It needs enforcement. Your post reveals you as a Progressive Socialist pretending to be a Libertarian.
John Kerry has done far worse calling our troops terrorists.
"And there is no reason, Bob [Schieffer], that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs." - John Kerry
"And there is no reason, Bob [Schieffer], that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs." - John Kerry
Listen, retard right-wing fascist, I believe in the unalienable right to migrate. I am a capitalist and a free-marketer; I believe in free trade and limited or no government. I don't believe in international meddling. I'm about as far away from socialism and Progressive fascists as anyone can be. Immigration strayed from our traditional, economy-growing open immigration system until about 1917. The past century has seen unconstitutional infringements on immigration under pressure for special-interest know-nothing xenophobes, crony labor unions, and bigots, and these restrictions have suppressed American economic growth. There hasn't been a decent Democrat since Grover Cleveland or a decent President since Calvin Coolidge, and I have little to no interest in politics; in fact, I often refer to politicians as political whores. I have no interest in John Kerry--I have no idea where your rant is coming from.
(FEE). Do you think women should be required to register for Selective Service?
Conscription is a form of slavery to the State, and I oppose it on principle. I was raised in a family with chivalrous traditional values (to protect the women and children). I do wonder, though, if the neo-cons would be quite so aggressive in foreign intervention knowing they would put women in harm's way. I would say there should be equal opportunity, but I would say that performance criteria should be set consistently, which does not mean equality of outcomes. For example, my nephew and his new bride are both engineers, but the percentage of female engineers is much lower..
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Steve Kelley via Townhall |
Kenny Rogers, "The Gambler". Probably his signature song....