
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Miscellany: 7/23/15

Quote of the Day
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt

Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

Scientific Policy

Linsey Graham's Response to a Thin-Skinned Donald "Four Bankruptcies" Trump Giving Out Graham's Cellphone Number 

Facebook Corner

(Lew Rockwell). How fun to wreck the GOP, or to have a 3rd party, or both. Donald, we're counting on you.
This is a failed businessman with four bankruptcies to his name. Every word out of his mouth sounds like a cheesy used car salesman, his campaign has been little more than publicity-seeking stunts of petty insults and offensive stereotypes, channeling the anti-immigrant populist crap that sank Romney's chances in 2012. Anyone who thinks this buffoon would outpoll the Libertarian Party on his own has been spending too much time in Colorado.
If he's forced to run as third party, he will have more votes than the GOP candidate and will ask the GOP to drop out so as not to run third party to the Donald.
 You are a delusional moron.
The cabals are scared to death of the Donald. They can't buy him.
No person is retarded enough to believe a "crazy old uncle" celebrity bonehead is anything more than a flavor of the month. Remember "Four Bankruptcies" Trump briefly entered the 2012 race and quickly faded.
Trump knows better than to run third practial businessman he saw those results in the past. It winds up taking away GOP votes and allowing DEMS to win. So cleaning house in the GOP is the right strategy, setting a new paradigm, and winning as a tryue GOP. I would want him to become more conservative but I think generally as a businessman who knows how to protect his interests and that of the USA, he will be.
Donald "Four Bankruptcies" Trump is a 1%'er whose only political principle is his own ego. The last thing the GOP needs is a thin-skinned, richer, angrier, less personable, unqualified version of Mitt Romney.

The people don't trust you as the Presidential Apprentice.

(National Review). Thomas Sowell: "All these policies allow the political Left to persist in their fact-free visions. And those visions in turn allow the Left to feel good about themselves, while leaving havoc in their wake."
 getting people all roused about raising the minimum wage is simply the dems way of getting out of not having to say we need to raise taxes...because the more you get the more revenue government and everyone else get higher prices and government gets more tax money...those who were making 15 dollars an hour and worked hard to get ahead to that wage will again be at the minimum wage level because they will no receive a compensatory pay raise to stay ahead of minimum wage at the level they the raising of minimum wage also creates more minimum wage are being bamboozled.and run amok by the DNC once again
The fascist government likes minimum wage policy because political whores gets "credit" for showing they "care". Worker productivity and demand for labor determine wages, not fiats from government. If lower-skillled/experienced workers were worth $15/hour, they would already be making it. If I were a hiring manager, I would only hire workers who I'm already paying $15/hour. When you raise the cost of labor, there is less demand for it..

(Rand Paul 2016). Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham hardly see eye-to-eye, but this is a pretty cool video.
That's just childish. I can't stand Lindsey Graham
Donald "Four Bankruptcies" Trump is a grossly incompetent petty thin-skinned moronic jackass who appeals to fellow gullible xenophobes, bigots, and retards.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Glenn McCoy via Townhall
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Kenny Rogers, "You Decorated My Life"