Our life is frittered away by details...Simplify, simplify.
Henry David Thoreau
Image of the Day
Planned Parenthood's Version of a Chop Shop
Planned Parenthood is one of the most evil organizations that has ever existed; countless babies have been killed in its facilities, but selling the body parts of dead infants is particularly grotesque:
New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s top doctor describing how the clinics sell the body parts of aborted babies, in some cases using an illegal partial-birth abortion procedure. “I’d say a lot of people want liver,” Dr. Deborah Nucatola, PPFA Senior Director of Medical Services, tells actors posing as buyers from a human biologics company in the video.Trump is an Anti-Immigrant Buffoon, Head of the Idiocracy
When doctors are under “ultrasound guidance,”... Nucatola says they sometimes manipulate the position of the unborn baby so that the head comes out last, which is an illegal procedure considered a partial-birth abortion. The parts are then sold for anywhere between $30 and $100, she says....“We’ve been very good at getting lung, heart, liver, because we know that, so I’m not going to crush that part,” she adds. “I’m going to basically crush below, I’m going to crush above and I’m going to see if I can get it all intact.”
Facebook Corner
(National Review). The Left...relentlessly hammers home a single message: Conservatives hate you." -- David French
Donald Trump is a lightweight, pompous ass, and every freaking person who supports "4 Bankruptcy" Trump is a gullible moron. I'm am no leftist, but no self-respecting conservative would even humor this windbag.
(FEE). Donald Trump's immigration position is as fringe as the rest of his campaign.
There's a big difference between immigrants and illegal immigration. You know that, but FEE continues to appeal to emotionalism over rationality.
You are an economically illiterate retard loser. I don't care what morally corrupt laws have been passed over the past century by Statist and populist bastards standing in the way of immigrants; if and when they have to work around unreasonable laws, like union-blocked temporary worker programs, it's no different than when this country made slavery legal. They both oppose the principle of liberty.
(LFC). Listen, Republican and Democrat national socialists, government controlled borders have nothing to do with [private] property. "Borders" around the land _YOU_ live on that you came to an agreement for with someone else is not the same as borders around huge swaths of land the central gubment tries to control, with no actual proprietor.
Secondly, additional labor (rather than merely the pool that exists within the boundaries set by politicians) is not bad for an economy -- and neither is people that travel here to improve their lot by looking for gainful employment. Just the opposite, in fact.
Lastly, it is idiotic to believe that a central gubment ought to control the people on the inside of some nation-state boundary, but it is practically insane to believe it ought to (or that it is plausible without a massive army of agents securing the political line) control everyone else in the world and where they travel.
**Not to mention the sickness in the head that nationalism causes for those "exceptional" citizens who believe they are living "in the greatest nation in the world." You're fucking nuts.**
You don't like it? GIT OUT Lol pfft.
PS If you are opposed to it because of "welfare" issues, then stop opting into a broken system. Stop voting for dingbat politicians (that's any politician), and stop giving any of these maniacs any of the money you make.
Activate agorism or something.
Caesar Chavez was against illegal immigration because no matter what you can always find someone in the world who is willing to work for less than the other guy (who just got here) to the point of working for almost nothing. I myself lost a job in construction because I wasn't willing to work 11 hrs a days and only get payed for 8. You know who was? An illegal immigrant. I also come from a farming community where the high school kids used to work in the crops. It actually used to be a place where kids would go for the summer to work and make quick, fast money. Now? "No thank you, we can pay illegals $5 an hour under the table, make em work 12 hour days, and they can't complain if I mistreat them". A country without borders isn't a country; so if you are against there being such a thing as countries and even governments...then please go live in the middle east where they still govern though tribalism.
My God, self-serving, economic illiterate, morally corrupt and repulsive xenophobic claptrap! Our nation became the world's largest economy because of immigrants!
(FEE). "Instead of looking for a 'side' to champion, we are better served by recognizing that even amid the unbridled horrors of slavery and the devastation of war, there may still be a few who are fighting for something better than their country’s cause."
At least the piece comes across as more balanced than the pro-Union libertarian pieces I've seen lately . However, the idea that the "pro-Confederate" libertarians are defending slavery is a pure smear. Most libertarians critical of Lincoln have not ignored the abomination of the institution of slavery, but they argued that the economic assumptions underlying slavery were crumbling. Furthermore, it's not obvious the war was about slavery; keep in mind the states left the Union with the Constitution still protecting slavery, a Fugitive Slave Act intact, etc. They left to protect what they already had and what the new President was not threatening?
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of the original artist via Bastiat Institute |
Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall |
Dionne Warwick (with Jeffrey Osborne), "Love Power". We have one more performance to cover in my Warwick retrospective. Next up: Kenny Rogers.