
Friday, January 31, 2014

Miscellany: 1/31/14

Quote of the Day

Every profession is a conspiracy against the laity
George Bernard Shaw

Yes, Another Missing Daily Post

I had PC problems which I'm still working through. On a brighter note, this is my first Friday in weeks I haven't had to do an interstate commute....

Legal Plunderers Spend Their Ill-Gotten Loot...

We Are NOT the Masses

But the Trolls Ask: Who Will Save Us From 'Evil Businesses'? NOT Who Will Save Us From 'Evil Monopoly  of Force Government'

Lemonade, Hot Dogs, and Now Cupcakes: "Progressives" Crushing the American Spirit

Chloe Stirling, an 11-year-old sweetie from Illinois, had her entrepreneurial dreams crushed for making life a little sweeter for her cupcake customers by pencil-pushing bureaucrats enforcing Draconian licensing requirements and business mandates, essentially shutting down her dream business.

Public School Administrators Worship the god of Diversity, Throw Gifted Kids Under the Bus

I mentioned this personal experience in a past post. One day my high school biology teacher talked to me after class and told me that I didn't have to attend class anymore. He explained that if he taught to my level, he would lose the rest of the class. He knew I could find a more productive use of my time than sitting in a class where I would pick up little beyond what I already knew.

In this case, a New Yoek principal has deemed a gifted young kids' program insufficiently "diverse" and hence is canceling future enrollments. How does our economy improve if we do not invest in our best and brightest?

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Lisa Benson and Townhall
Musical Interlude: My iPod Shuffle Series

Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville, "I Don't Know Much".  In my opinion, one of the best duets ever, introducing me to Aaron Neville's mad vocals. During a recent interstate weekend commute, I had a hits compilation from Ronstadt on heavy rotation. (Still, I wish it included "Dreams to Dream", my favorite Ronstadt tune.)