
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Miscellany: 1/02/14

Quote of the Day
The things we know best are 
the things we haven't been taught.
Marquis de Vauvenargues

Facebook Corner

(The Libertarian Republic). Do you believe that religious institutions should have the right to not be forced to pay for contraception under Obamacare?
It's consistent with our historical tolerance for conscientious objections (e.g., to conscription). Of course, religious institutions should not have to compromise their religious/moral beliefs.

(LFC). Who do you think was the WORST US president of all time? My vote's FDR (JA)
Certainly in my lifetime, Barry Obama. Lincoln easily is the all-time worst. But it's hard to beat Lincoln given the bloodiest war in US history and his disregard for Constitutional rights. FDR takes the silver and LBJ the bronze for their interventionist policies and unsustainable entitlements and other ineffective, costly, morally hazardous domestic policies. Nixon gets dishonorable mention for the circumstances of his resignation, his abandonment of the gold standard, and his launched, failed war on drugs.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Eric Allie and Townhall
Musical Interlude: My iPod Shuffle Series

Dido, "Thank You"