If you want to really know what your friends and family think of you
die broke, and then
see who shows up
for the funeral.
Gregory Nunn
The Military Continues to Move on With Social Engineering Initiatives: Thumbs DOWN!
The story about DoD moving to implement its interpretation of last year's DOMA ruling is disconcerting, looking to trump state resistance to certain "reforms" based on their own states' traditional marriage laws. I take offense to gays trying to co-opt the traditional institutions of marriage and family. In theory, governors have supervision over National Guard units. DoD imposing gay "marriage" policies over those of the states is unacceptable; even though I disagree with last year's decisions, those decisions did not overrule over half the states reaffirming traditional marriage. I do not believe in the concept of gay "dependents" since gay couples cannot conceive through natural means. I do not like the idea of unexpected consequences to institutions that have taken thousands of years to evolve.
Facebook Corner
(The Libertarian Republic). The Bismarck, 1940-41. How would a libertarian republic defend against this type of machine?
First of all, a libertarian republic wouldn't be a threat and would likely be neutral and maintain win-win trade relationships. Second, I have little doubt about ingenuity of defensive technology, not unlike how inexpensive decoys can fool sophisticated weapon systems. Third, do not rule out alliances with adversaries of the other party. Fourth, libertarians would likely regard commensurate defensive capabilities to be the best way to secure and maintain their lives, liberty and property.
(LFC). The results from our "Worst President Question" are in, and you all responded resoundingly: Woodrow Wilson.
In honor of that, here are 5 of the worst things Wilson did:
1) Establish the Federal Reserve
2) Pull the US into WWI.
3) Preside over the passage of the income tax
4) Show BIRTH OF A NATION in the White House, segregate the executive branch, and appoint segregationists to high positions
5) Oppose the 19th Amendment.
Other top contenders were FDR and Lincoln. Obama came in 4th, near Nixon (JA)
The first thing I think of when people mention Wilson is that Glenn Beck hates him. Of course, Teddy Roosevelt was no slouch himself as a progressive populist, trust-buster and the rise of Big Nanny and the FDA. I'm surprised LBJ didn't get more recognition, given the fact of the government intervention into health care got its major push via Medicaid and Medicare, never mind his escalation of perhaps the most divisive war since the Civil War.
The creation of the Fed was bad enough, but what made it even worse was the second mandate (full employment) signed into law in 1977, under the hapless Carter administration. I consider that back door policymaking by unaccountable quasi-governmental bureaucrats.
What's particularly odious about Wilson's involvement with the Fed is that Democrats had traditionally been resistant to the idea of a central bank, which they saw as a protectionist tilt towards moneyed (Northeast) interests, e.g., Jefferson and Jackson. Of course, the Dems still engage in bank-bashing for political purposes, but they generally favor easy credit and the idea "a little inflation is a good thing"...
(Learn Liberty). So, uh, who gets their econ advice from Rolling Stone? Rolling Stone's Sad "5 Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For"
1. Guaranteed Work for Everybody
2. Social Security for All
3. Take Back The Land
4. Make Everything Owned by Everybody
5. A Public Bank in Every State
Economic illiterate pop singers like Bruce Springsteen and Barbra Streisand and every other entertainer thinking that repeating pedestrian progressivism makes him or her look cool and socially responsive. Unfortunately, Rolling Stone seems to be stuck back in the sixties in terms of failed economic policies, a desperate attempt for aging Baby Boomers to remain relevant to the generation which will have to pay the price for bad public policy.
(Time for a little troll stomping.)
Take control of the banks-like the banksters are to be trusted?????? Do we have to bail them out again? Reward them again? Continue to let them steal from us?
As if the Statists who have made banking the most regulated industry are not confounding the problem. Anyone who believes in this conspiracy nonsense is completely clueless about the feds essentially nationalized home lending under Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA...
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Via Illinois Policy Institute |
This progressive troll needs to get a life. The article does not speak to the discussant's point about a Nanny State prohibition. The troll doesn't want consumers to make the choice based on the merits of lighting alternatives.
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Nate Beeler and Townhall |
Josh Groban, "Alla Luce Del Sole". My favorite Groban performance, the lead track of his debut album. I just love the song and the arrangement, and I wish I had Groban's pipes. I remember doing a gig in Reading, PA in 2003, and I had this track blaring on auto-repeat while driving to work.
By The Light of the Sun
Here there is darkness outside of me
And also a bit inside of me
What an absurdity, this city
without people
I don’t even know how to explain
But this is not my dimension
And my mind is never in peace
It is always elsewhere
You—where are you ? Your voice: where is it?
Without you, without your help
What will become of me?
Everything will seem brighter
By the light that will come from the sun
This night will pass
The darkness that is here will dissolve
The hills will reveal themselves
I will continue to search for you
Away with this melancholy
Envy or rage that it is--
Here in my heart
I no longer want these words
You, where are you ? Your smile, where is it?
Without you, without your love
What will become of me?
Everything will seem brighter
By the light that will come from the sun
This night will pass
The darkness that is here will dissolve
And by the light of that sun
I will continue to search for you.
Everything will seem brighter
In the light, in the sun
The silence will die
The people who are here will blend together
And by the light of that sun
I will continue to search for you