
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Miscellany: 1/29/14

Quote of the Day

Any man who can drive safely 
while kissing a pretty girl 
is simply not giving the kiss 
the attention it deserves.
Albert Einstein

Pro-Liberty Thought of the Day

Via the Independent Institute
Image of the Day

Via Patriot Post
In last night's SOTU address,
The narcissist in chief referred to himself a whopping 74 times during the speech (“I” x 50, “my” x 11, “me” x 11,“ and "as president” twice). 
The Myth of Stagnant Wages

I remember the first serious PC I bought, a no-name clone for just under $3000, as a young professor. Even though the dollar has declined in purchasing power significantly over the last 2 decades, I recently bought a new desktop with vastly more memory, CPU power and speed, hard drive, and functionality at nearly a tenth of that cost even though my professional compensation has been significantly more than I ever made as a junior professor. The point is I don't have to work as many hours to buy a desktop today; I'm able to spend money not spent on the new computer buying up other goods and services, which makes me better off.

Businesses don't simply aim at the upper 1%, whom only need so much food, shelter, clothing, etc. Without economies of scale, prices would be much higher. Mark Perry of Carpe Diem points out that the average American household spends less than 7% of income on meals prepared at home, a third of the average household around the world. His current post compares the work-equivalent price of household appliances over the past 5 decades-plus:

Courtesy of Carpe Diem
Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Henry Payne and Townhall
Musical Interlude: My iPod Shuffle Series

The Motels, "Suddenly Last Summer"