
Friday, November 30, 2012

Miscellany: 11/30/12

Quote of the Day
The only safe ship in a storm is leadership.
Faye Wattleton

Santa Obama Says "No K'Nex for You"

We already know that Mitt Romney and John McCain weren't going to get Battleships for Xmas.  It's been  long time since I bought Xmas presents for young nephews. I didn't even know what K'nex was. Of course I have to translate Obama-to-plain English: Republicans who don't capitulate to Obama's class warfare terms make it on Obama's cow-pie naughty list: that means they won't get K'nex's grownup infrastructure sets for their district or state. Even worse, given new EPA restrictions on Santa, they won't even get a lump of coal in their stockings.

Follow-Up Odds and Ends
  • Hostess Treats Will Live On.  One of the more amusing stories of the Twinkies debacle is singer/actress Jennifer Hudson's fiance and father of her little son,  David Otunga, a Harvard-educated lawyer and WWE professional wrestler. Otunga went on a snack buying binge as soon he heard about the Hostess plant closures, telling TMZ that his son would not go without his Hostess treats. First, Hudson is a well-known spokeswoman for a national weight management company, and Otunga's WWE persona is as a narcissistic bodybuilder. Still, with Hostess Brands bringing in over $2B in sales, and Hostess is well aware the value of the brands could erode the longer products aren't in stores, Hostess has been contacted by over 100 businesses, including supermarkets, interested in acquiring product lines and/or plants.
  • It Turns Out GM Can Buy Volt Love. One of the things an IT professional knows is that one of the things software companies long for is more even revenues through a subscription system. You normally have perpetual per-user licenses but you often have a maintenance agreement (my former employer Oracle charges I believe just under a quarter of the cost of the license annually, which includes access to the latest versions/updates/fixes/security patches, and technical support/portal.  An interesting Forbes column points out that for 2 years running, Volt owners/operators rank at the top of Consumer Reports consumer satisfaction surveys. With bargain lease rates starting at under $300/month, fuel savings make the lease terms even more attractive. Among the drawbacks: it takes the better part of a day to recharge from a conventional outlet and passenger space is constrained. Plus, you can buy a conventional compact for several thousand dollars less--which buys a lot of fuel. And it makes sense primarily for those whom commute relatively short distances to work (say, less than 20 miles each way). The car is still bring heavily subsidized by Government Motors, and the American taxpayer cannot afford to pay out thousands to bribe yuppie Democrats into buying the car.
Musical Interlude: Christmas Retrospective

The Lettermen, Medley
1) The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You)
2) What Can I Give You This Christmas?
3) The Christmas Waltz
4) O Holy Night (Cantique De Noel)
5) Christmas All Alone