
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Miscellany: 11/07/12

Quote of the Day
Never speak of yourself to others; 
make them talk about themselves instead: 
therein lies the whole art of pleasing.
J.E de Goncourt

Speaker Boehner: 
Dare the Hypocrite-in-Chief to
Put that $10 Cuts/$1 Taxes Deal
on the Table 


The candidates I supported in yesterday's election all went down to defeat. The 7 propositions (which I reviewed in a recent post) all passed, the last two ("gay marriage" and casino expansion ) just barely. I opposed the last 3 measures. The media are focusing on the referendums passing by about 9 combined  points in 3 blue states. I do want to point out in Maryland's case, the legislature already approved it.

A couple of states decriminalized marijuana for non-medical purposes. Personally I think people whom indulge are idiots but the prohibition is ineffective and I think we imprison too many people.

There were a couple of propositions against Citizens United, but these are unconstitutional (one of yesterday's videos explained). Congressman Dold lost a squeaker in my old Illinois Congressional district and Judy Biggert whom held a long-term GOP district I lived in when I initially moved to the Chicago SW suburbs in 1993 also lost, The last time I checked Mia Love, one of the stars of the GOP convention, was losing after recent strong polls. Col. West also seems to be losing his South Florida race.

Somehow the GOP lost a net of 2 in the Senate--they lost a number of close races in MT, ND, WI, VA, and MA. And, of course, the 2 "rape abortion" seats in MO and IN. However, I'm pleased with Flake and Cruz.

Monday Morning Quarterbacking

I've seen some interesting, thoughtful critiques over why Romney lost (see, e.e., newsmax editor Reddy here or Coulter here) I'm just a nominal Republican , but here are some suggestions for the GOP and candidates for the open 2016 election :
  • Focus on positive, inclusive politics. I'll give a brief example. When I checked my home voice mail I found an ad by the Rob Siobhani independent campaign for Cardin's seat (Siobhani in the past tried to win the GOP nomination.) This was an attack ad on Bogino for not supporting making English the de jure (as well as de facto) official language. It was succeeded by an angry rebuke from the Bogino campaign. This is pushing on a string legislation that upsets many Latinos whom feel marginalized . 
Another example as the unfortunate 47% gaffe by Romney, which actually was the flip side  of Obama's Midwesterners "clinging to their guns and Bibles" (i.e., having a vested interest in policies). It's not helpful to characterize half of workers as freeloaders; it's the result of past legislation. I would have preferred less spin, more straight talk and call on everyone (including government) to pay their fair share of sacrifice to get the nation on a sustainable fiscal course, for everyone to have skin in the game.
  • Don't sweat the small stuff: pick your battles wisely.  I do not know how how 2 veteran successful male politicians ever allowed themselves to get caught talking about having a woman carry her rapist's child.
  • Know your audience; don't get lost in the weeds.  Ironically Obama, an allegedly good orator, often gets into long, obscure professorial speeches. Romney issued a 59-point economic plan.
  • Don't let your opponent define you, don't be predictable, and GO BIG.  I hated it when I read a popular economist write that Mitt was not a free market guy. In fact, Mitt defensively  pointed out his tax reforms did no lessen progressive tax burden , called for federal guarantees in his version of auto bankruptcies. and argued grandfathered exemptions from entitlement reforms, as if savings in the future pay for trillion deficits now! What I wanted Mitt to do was embrace free markets and free trade, point out Obama's policies were an extension of Bush's.
  • Do not engage in identity politics and pandering.  The Democrats already own this category; you are not going win as a watered-down version of a politically correct Democrat. It's not enough to name a woman, African American, etc. (or gather binders of candidates) to an influential post. Most Latinos are not progressives and (being heavily Catholic)  hold traditional family values and a strong work ethic; there is no excuse  for losing 70% of the Latino vote. A lot of that has to do with unforced errors, like state immigration laws.
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Groups

The Carpenters, "Goodbye To Love."  This is an original Richard-composed hit yet another Top 10, reportedly inspired by his watching a Bing Crosby movie. The song also features one of the greatest guitar solos in pop music history, one of my all-time favorites (naturally as a never-married guy). Karen gives another flawless performance.