
Thursday, November 8, 2012


Quote of the Day
Love is like the sea, 
it's a moving thing; 
but still it takes its shape from the shore it meets 
and it's different with every shore.
Zora Neale Hurston

Ben Stein: A Painful Night: THUMBS UP!
We just had an efficient, loving, intelligent man in our party run and put up a magnificent fight. But he, as the Wall Street Journal edit page said during the primaries, was not a real conservative and believed mostly in his own résumé. Let's have a real conservative with real principles next time.
Mr. Romney is a great man. Ann Romney is something close to a saint to have worked as hard as she has while fighting Multiple Sclerosis. Let's honor them and have them teach us the lessons they learned in this losing campaign so the next one will be a winning campaign.
Compare the first paragraph withthis from my election night post:
Yet for a really smart guy, [Romney] let the opposition define him, he didn't take advantage of a predictable opponent , and he seemed to coast down the home stretch, saying little more than "the economy sucks, and I can fix it." An election should be about big ideas, not your resume.
There is a reason I've pushed Robert Taft over the past year: the hope that Romney. of all people ,  would realize that Obama is just another FDR wannabe, and Robert Taft was a key figure in the Old Right's resistance to progressivism and military intervention. It's easy to see Romney wasn't a principled conservative  when he worried about job cuts in the military-industrial complex possible from sequestration. He had nuanced, not conceptual differences on ObamaCare. If ever there was time to move on immigration it was when Obamanomics was so bad there has been a reverse migration in effect to Mexico

"9-Year-Old Black Kid Can Breathe Easy Now"

I remember black conservative Larry's hosting the Moral Court.  He starts out this column with:
Brandon, a 9-year-old black kid, attended a campaign rally hosted by Michelle Obama. A cameraman interviewed Brandon, who was there with his dad. “Why does (Obama) need to win?” he was asked. “Because if Mitt Romney wins,” he replied, “we’ll be going back to the crop fields. We’ll be picking crops.” Off-screen, his father could be heard laughing.
From whom does a 9-year-old hear that Obama’s opponent is a racist who, to quote the Democratic National Committee chairwoman [Debbie Wasserman-Schultz], wants “to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws”?
Of course, unemployment among blacks has increased  during the Age of Obama. In a second term of Obama even farmers will be reluctant to take on new workers.

An Ad Lib to B.O. Celebrities Whom War on Being Classy

 An overrated female singer, Beyonce, decided to taunt Mitt Romney supporters with; "Take that, Mitches." How clever. I do in fact wish that there were more Mitch Daniels in the GOP...

Now if I met Ms.  Beyonce or Madonna when I was in fifth grade. I might have responded something like "No, thanks. I wouldn't want to catch something from BO-res."

Let's hope that Madonna doesn't carry out her threat to strip in public if Barry was reelected...

Give Obama All The Rope He Needs...

Despite a billion in campaign funds, all  the advantages of incumbency, and a much superior ground game,  he barely beat a man whom was a natural target for his class warfare politics (I mean, a car elevator?);  It was a bizarre election in which he ran away from his record (no ads I saw hyping the stimulus, healthcare reform and financial reform)

Reid laughably claims Obama has a mandate--hardly. He got far fewer votes than his first election.The people left the nation's purse strings under the firm control of the GOP in the House, where all revenue bills must originate. The polls show Obama was beaten on economic issues, and he decisively lost the first debate, which was on the economy  What is salient is that business decisions (including hiring) are made at the margin, including taxes.

As to Ryan , the GOP has a deep pool (including Jeb Bush, Bobby Jindal, and Mitch Daniels), Ryan lacks administrative experience  and  has over a decade of tough votes to defend (including TARP).

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Groups

The Carpenters, "Sing". I didn't realize this song has a Sesame Street songwriter behind it and Streisand  covered it with modest success on the a/c chart.  I mentioned before my family sent me a cassette when Dad was given an assignment in Germany while I was an undergraduate.But I think what I most remember the song for is my late Aunt Grace, a former religious sister and career teacher. (My youngest goddaughter's middle name is also 'Grace' ). I loved Dad's big sisters. Aunt Grace was a big lady with the greatest teacher's voice ever and a lot of fun to be around  She came to pick me up one weekend  at Newport where I was learning to be an officer and a gentleman (yeah, right). The one time I remember her rebuking me, we were in a car and my siblings were singing along some song on the radio (not very well); being a former member of a choir I started criticizing their technique and my aunt told me to stop. I thought I was being helpful; she knew I was crushing their spirit. Whenever I hear this song and the lyric "don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear..." I miss my aunt; no doubt if she read my blog, she would probably think  I'm a little hard on teachers, but she was an inspiration when I decided to become a professor.