
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Post #4521: Rant of the Day: Twitter Censorship and My Response to the Rand Paul Kerfuffle

If you have not heard, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has tested positive for COVID-19. He is not showing symptoms but that doesn't mean that he can't transmit the disease. He did the testing as a proactive measure because of his extensive travel schedule and because he had attended an event with a couple of people who had tested positive but he did not recall that he had been in contact with them.

Now, to be honest, I have had my differences lately with Rand Paul (and Tom Massie) especially during the Trump impeachment process; they have made their own peace with Trump, and Rand Paul in particular went after the whistleblower on Trump/Zelensky, which is a violation of first principles in libertarianism. (My issues with Massie were different, more of repeating partisan soundbites and totally ignoring the Zelensky phone call.) I was so annoyed with them, I stopped following them on Twitter.

Rand Paul, during the current crisis, has tried to serve as a speed bump to poorly vetted legislation being rushed through Congress, and he has been a lightning rod for progressives/commiecrats. So one recent tweet called for Dems, if and when they reach the White House, to pardon Rand Paul's neighbor, who had violently attacked him, causing injuries requiring surgical repair. Condoning physical violence is just totally unacceptable.

So when the news broke over Rand Paul's test, we had the infamous wolf pack of progressives going after Rand Paul personally, many of them bitching that senators can get tested, but not the average joe, how Rand Paul, by opposing relief legislation, doesn't deserve any treatment, etc. In particular I remember this one repulsive tweet (I've probably been blocked from seeing it again to repeat it), but something to the effect of "Too bad his neighbor didn't finish the job..." And I snapped back something like "You are a waste of human life." I'm not sure if it was that one or others, but I got an interactive message by one of the Twitter police saying something like I had violated their community safety standards and some unspecified Twitter functionality would be suspended for 12 hours. Trying to target me over some despicable asshole advocating violence against another human being is political correctness run amuck.

I haven't made up my mind as to my response yet, but I think this is the third time over the past year-plus I've been targeted, and I'm getting tired of it. I may resurrect my abridged text blog.