
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Post #4520 Social Media Digest


[thread started by one of my brothers-in-law. Now for context, almost none of my family (Mom and 6 younger siblings) discusses politics with me, and they know I have a political blog. Well, my Mom supports Trump, which I've discussed earlier. I suspect most of them are on the conservative side and also support Trump; we were all raised military brats and multiple in-laws also were from families with military or police ties. My middle brother and I were probably both registered Dems while studying at Texas (he was an undergrad chem-e major), I think he once told me he voted for Bush-43; I think he's more of a centrist but he has a more tactful approach vs. my bluntness. He's been known on occasion to send a link to a Gray Lady op-ed; almost no conservative cites the Gray Lady.

[My BIL and sister met at a USAF hospital where they worked; he was more of an orderly NCO and she was an RN. She eventually resigned her commission around the time they started their family, and he went on to finish his enlisted career to middle-aged retirement; they went on to civil service careers around the Air Force Academy. I don't really publish political rants on Facebook. Among other things, I had friended my cousins when my last surviving paternal aunt suffered a massive stroke a couple of years back (and died a few days later). The girl of the sibling cousins (CM) and I were probably closest, although the first-born brother David and I were closer in the early years. My Uncle Ray, Dad's slightly older brother and best man, and Phyllis, Mom's maid of honor, met at their wedding and married shortly thereafter. David ran into issues around his late 20's and early 30's and was killed by a car while he was a pedestrian.We occasionally visited my cousins over the years (they lived in Connecticut vs. SE Massahusetts near Providence). One of the family kerfuffles involved a clerical error on Uncle Ray's birth certificate, spelling our surname "Guilmette". For some reason, Ray never corrected the error and fully embraced it. I tend to be sensitive over the spelling of my surname, and CM pissed me off once by sending a card with their idiosyncratic spelling.

[So anyway, after returning from the funeral, I started realizing CM was a a full-fledged Trumpkin. I mean, she would literally post Facebook homages to Trump like "I thank God that He has blessed us with you as POTUS". To say the least, it tried my tolerance and patience. (I do know you don't have to follow friends on Facebook.) One day she basically posted an anti-gun meme, which surprised me since Trump has generally been supportive of the Second Amendment. I really didn't want to flame my cousin for publishing that nonsense but then some progressive commented, pushing the point. I rebuked the troll. CM went batshit crazy, flaming me, furious that I had slammed one of her friends, as if I had any way of knowing the troll was her friend. I think within a day all 4 cousins had defriended me, and we haven't spoken or written since.

[I have a long list of friend requests, but for the most part my friends are all relatives except for 3 good friends. I usually don't accept people I don't know as friends; in part, I've occasionally worked on government projects and wanted to minimize my footprint. Now for the most part I steer clear of political content except occasionally reposting some memes from libertarian or other Facebook groups I've joined.

[I don't recall my BIL ever posting anything political before. He will often post things reflecting his proud veteran status or his obsessive interest in soccer, but for the most part it's stuff like funny pet videos and the like. Tonight, though, he started on a post, words to the effect "instead of all this money spent on impeachment, we could have spent it on the coronavirus crisis...". Now this is red meat bullshit. I talk about related points in my tweets below. The fact is the costs of the impeachment and related trial didn't even amount to pocket change. I could rant about government red tape, Trump's botched response, etc But I decided to focus on the point that impeachment was political and soon found myself attacked by a troll:]

Trump violated the Constitution by using his foreign relations authority to extort the Ukraine government into opening a politically damaging investigation of his key political rival, Joe Biden, using duly authorized aid he himself signed into law. This was not a fabrication. The DoD itself twice certified corruption compliance by Ukraine. The GAO itself classified Trump's hold on funds illegal.
The fact of Trump's "leadership": the FDA started this crisis with a government monopoly on testing.

And under Bolton, the pandemic response team had been been reorganized out of business under a cost-saving rationale.

I've always been Never Trump and Never Democrat.

you seem to be enjoying e taste of the kool aid that the media is serving. Has it occurred to you that Trump was asking a REAL crime to be invested. Perhaps the boogeyman you are searching for cashes checks from Burisma?

Idiots like you shouldn't comment on Facebook. No, the fact that Trump raised Biden in the Zelensky phone call was even in his abridged transcript. The Retard-in-Chief even praised the corrupt prosecutor Shokin as a "good man" (You can't make this shit up.) Shokin, in fact, cleared the Burisma aligarch of European money laundering charges. Shokin was opposed (in addition to the US, local anti-corruption groups, the EU, and the IMF). Hunter Biden was never implicated in improper behavior, Burisma is a private company, Biden was paid a competitive package as a board member, lots of people join boards without industry experience. There was no "crime". You need to stick to facts instead of Trumpkin bullshit.

[Trolls] like you are in a state of denial. What Trump did was not only blatantly unconstitutional (which is why Bolton called it a "drug deal"), he has constantly tried to interfere with the Justice system. Let's be clear: let's just accept your bullshit notion for the sake of argument that Trump was motivated by some unspecified wrongdoing on Biden's part. Trump's hold on aid was unconstitutional, illegal; there were no statutory grounds to withhold aid. By professional ethics and by the Constitution itself, Trump couldn't intervene because he was vested in the matter for personal, not national, reasons--his political interests. This is the very reason you have an Emoluments Clause. There is a defined process for international investigations.

But the Bastard-in-Chief has no regard for rules and regulations; he thinks he's above the law. He tried to fire Mueller (McGahn). He did fire Sessions over (properly) recusing himself from the Russia investigation. If Trump had tried to fire Mueller, he would have been impeached then and there.

I was hoping I would receive an intelligent response from you...unfortunately you have chosen the time honored path of the liberal by calling names and getting nasty. What happened to respectful debates between two people of intellect? We’re you this outraged when VP Biden withheld aid to Ukraine until they fired the government official investigating his son...and John Kerry’s while we are at it? sleepy Joe is on video boasting about the action.

I enjoy engaging liberals of self importance such as yourself. The name calling shows your lack of real substance. You may have more degrees than a thermometer but in the end you are a noisy gong signifying nothing.

[Troll] you really are mentally retarded. You're not smart enough to realize one of the reasons the Obama Administration went after Shokin was because of the Burisma oligarch. Hunter Biden's recruitment to the board was dubious given the appearance of a conflict of interest but not illegal; some in Obama's State Department weren't happy about it

The Ukraine parliament fired Shokin, mostly under pressure from IMF. Biden took credit for it, but he's almost as stupid as Trump. Shokin manufactured a crazy scapegoat charge, hitting back at Biden and trying to argue Biden was acting to protect his son's position with Burisma. When Shokin was fired, any and all Burisma charges remained intact. Hunter Biden has been cleared of Shokin's self-serving face-saving bullshit. But the oligarch's charges predated Biden's service on the board.

read it and weep:

you are making my argument for have never met me yet call me mentally retarded? Not only is that insensitive but factually wrong. I have a near genius IQ. Ask [BIL]..he served alongside me in the USAF at two duty stations.

Your article is from the leftist USA far left it is gaining upon itself in its own circular arguments. It was hardly the Mike drop you had hoped for.

Here is the best part...getting you defrosted and rambling is easier than getting one of my children to do their homework.

I bet you’ll retreat to a safe place to scream and cry when Trump crushes Creepy Uncle Joe in November. This is better than free HBO!!

[Troll] You are mentally retarded. You can't even understand what you're reading. Let me write it out so even a retard like you can understand (some of this goes beyond the article): there is ZERO evidence of any Biden wrongdoing. The Retard-in-Chief called the crooked Ukraine AG Shokin a "good man"; says Biden got him fired (no, retard: the Ukraine parliament fired him, mostly because the IMF was holding up like $40B in loans, the British had a money laundering charge against the oligarch, and Shokin actually cleared the oligarch). The Burisma investigation was over the oligarch's actions predating Hunter's joining the board; no Biden tried to end the investigation. Shokin is a dirty bastard who went after anti-corruption forces, so the fact he's trying to scapegoat Biden is predictable.

I don't give a damn what my BIL thinks of your "intelligence". You actually are gullible enough to believe Trump's bullshit. I certainly don't give a shit about your citing Trump's trite "fake news" bullshit. I left the GOP over that corrupt RINO [expletive deleted]. My intelligence goes beyond 4 degrees, near-perfect GPAs in difficult fields, more scholastic awards than you can count. I extensively studied all the facts on the Ukraine dispute, and USA Today was just one piece I didn't even consider. You can't accept the fact you've fallen for Trump's bullshit at face value.
