
Saturday, April 20, 2019

Post #4072 Social Media Edition


These parasites are disingenuous. The big concept is the spending this group wants to redirect is THEFT against taxpayers, pure and simple. Social welfare and corporate subsidies are different sides of the same coin. There are a lot of things progressives are doing to exacerbate the problem, including rent control, zoning policies, etc. Physician, heal thyself!

I didn't capture the context meme, but the argument context was that certain corporate subsidies could and should instead be applied to various social spending priorities. I want to point out that there's a deadweight loss to taxation, public welfare is inefficient, ineffective and tends to be morally hazardous and mitigates private charity efforts, and there's the opportunity costs of what that income could have done deployed in the private economy.


Some of my interim tweets about Assange are already embedded in a prior post.