
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Post #4068 M: Stossel on 3D Printed Guns; Ron Paul, Tom Woods on Assange

Quote of the Day

Diamonds are nothing more than 
chunks of coal that stuck to their jobs.
Malcolm S. Forbes  

Stossel on 3D-Printed Guns

Ron Paul on Political Prisoner Assange

Tom Woods on Assange

Well, one interesting point is that the interviewee suggests that Assange was trying to help Manning cover his/her tracks vs. hack more systems. (This is not the picture from the US charges.) I had also criticized Woods and Malice on a tweet where they emphasized Assange is NOT a journalist; Woods now seems to be suggesting they meant a pejorative understanding of today's media. This was not the context I got from his email, where he was arguing Assange was primarily an activist. So there are points here I question, but an interesting discussion.

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Genesis (featuring Phil Collins), "No Son of Mine"