
Friday, April 12, 2019

Post #4063 M: IJ on Eminent Domain Abuse, Optometrist Protectionism; FEE: Invisible Hands

Quote of the Day

There is always some madness in love. 
But there is also always some reason in madness. 
Friedrich Nietzsche  

Institute For Justice Takes on Improper Takings in Eminent Domain Abuse

Institute For Justice Seeks To Support Vision Test Competition in Indiana

FEE Invisible Hands: Fundamental Economic Constructs

Choose Life

I remember my 8-month niece Megan almost running, using my index fingers for support. I was stooped over, barely keeping up with her. I also remember my baby sister wobbling towards the camera on a video of the family when Dad was stationed in SE Asia during the Vietnam War. You could see me in the background pushing up my forearms, as if they could magically support her.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of the original artist via FB (PLL)

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Genesis (featuring Phil Collins), "Tonight, Tonight, Tonight!"