
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Post #3164 M

Quote of the Day

Individually, we are one drop. 
Together, we are an ocean.
Ryunosuke Satoro  

Tweet of the Day

How Socialism Failed in Brazil

On Crony Art in the Federal Budget

Jamie Escalante & Academic Excellence

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Henry Payne via Townhall

Musical Interlude: Amy Grant

Amy Grant, "Old Man's Rubble".  I've never listened to Christian music stations; I first heard of Amy Grant when she performed the #1 duet with Peter Cetera "The Next Time I Fall"; I think shortly thereafter I bought her "Collection", which contained her Christian hit songs (including one of my all-time favorites, "El Shaddai"). I will include a liberal selection of her Christian music hits that didn't make the Hot 100, which may reflect the hit's chart performance and/or my personal preference. I'm less familiar with this, her first Top 5 Christian music hit on her debut album, not included on her Collection anthology.