
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Post #3143 M

Quote of the Day

Talent hits a target no one else can hit; 
Genius hits a target no one else can see.
Arthur Schopenhauer  

Tweet of the Day

I just published a journal post which looked at some of my work on Twitter. Sometimes these tweets come from real life experience--take the magic 8 ball hashtag game at the bottom of the list. The one about the little man trapped in an 8 ball actually was inspired by a prank I observed in my first IT gig, in San Antonio. I was an APL programmer/analyst; APL users work in structures called workspaces. It was possible to store a latent expression in a workspace which would execute when the user loaded a workspace. So my senior APL colleague pulled a prank on an area supervisor so when he loaded this particular workspace, it would launch this message (paraphrased from memory): "Help! I'm a little green man trapped in the system; please save me."  There's something about computer-generated output that seems to be credible and authoritative; the supervisor actually thought someone was transmitting an SOS through the system, being displayed in his workspace. It was all my colleague could do to restrain his laughter over how the user was in a real state of panic over this prank. So this actually happened although I tweaked the context for the hashtag game. And as I write, it's already picked up nearly 60 impressions/views, which is not bad for a Saturday night. The first one also has gone over reasonably well. 

Image of the Day

Bastiat, the Great French Classical Liberal

Sometimes Remakes Work

Cops Lying to Justify Unconstitutional Search

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Jerry Holbert via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Sheena Easton, "Do It For Love"