
Saturday, March 4, 2017

Post #3135 M

Quote of the Day

You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them.
Malcolm Forbes  

Tweet of the Day

The Muslim Case For Liberty

Libertarian, Heal Thyself

Facebook Corner

(Pro-Life Libertarians). One of the many things that grinds my gears about the contemporary Right is the fact that so many conservatives are less concerned about limiting government and more concerned about contradicting the Left.
"Yeah, the travel ban is unjust, but lefties hate it, so it must be good. Sure, Jeff Sessions is a drug warrior, but dang it, those filthy liberals hate him, so he must be my friend. Trump just killed some kids in Yemen. Well, that's not good, but Democrats hate the guy, so I'll let this one slide."
Seriously. Either be a libertarian or go home. Otherwise, we'll end up with another Gary Johnson in 2020.
It seems that former Republicans navigate to the LP nomination. That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing Rand Paul, Justin Amash, or Thomas Massie going for it.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Gary Varvel via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Sheena Easton, "You Could Have Been With Me". Hands down, my favorite Easton hit. Maybe because I'm the oldest of 7.