
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Post #3140 M

Quote of the Day

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. 
It's the way it is. 
The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
Virginia Satir  

Tweet of the Day

Amash On GOP ObamaCare Lite

How To Repeal ObamaCare

Nowrasteh Wins This Debate Hands Down!

Facebook Corner

(Cato Institute). (See above clip). "I would think that a conservative would be a lot more opposed to the welfare state than to the free flow of people across borders."
Cato Immigration Policy Analyst Alex Nowrasteh busts popular immigration myths on Tucker Carlson Tonight...
Nowrasteh won this debate going away; Tucker Carlson was disingenuous, trying to mock Alex's position. There would have been other items I would have pointed out as well. For example, immigrants have been far more mobile, willing to move to more prosperous locations with work opportunities. Furthermore, the lower-end competition only has a short-term and minor impact on wages, as the market responds to more plentiful labor resources (which Carlson totally ignores in a one-sided view of the law of supply and demand). Also, Carlson ignores the trend away from self-sufficiency of low-skilled labor. And so we need to remind Carlson that the vast majority of jobs pay over wage minimums? That in most states, immigrants account for less than 5% or so of local/state budgets? If Carlson was really interested in dismantling the welfare state, immigrants are not where the money is mostly going: it's like the Boy Scout skit of the lost quarter.

More importantly, Carlson embraces the free economy in an inconsistent manner. He is interfering with the free flow of people in favor of some arbitrary Statist restrictions, despite compelling evidence of failed central planning. He ignores the fact that the current quota system is anti-market and anti-competitive, that we emerged as the greatest economic power under a more open immigration system in the nineteenth century--when, by the way, the modern welfare system did not exist.

(National Review). "Unleashing chaos in Europe could undo all that the U.S. achieved in its victories against the Nazis and the Communists..."
I am a Never Trumper, and I will point out things like putting boots on the ground in Syria is hardly "America First". But European freeloading off Ameica's defense budget is, at best, morally hazardous. It allows them the luxury of growing the welfare state over their own defense needs. It is not our place to save Europe from itself. Europe needs to find its own peace with Russia and others.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Jerry Holbert via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Sheena Easton, "Strut". My second favorite ("You Could Have Been With Me") Easton single.