
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Post #3024 M

Quote of the Day

I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is 
determined not by our circumstance 
but by our disposition.
Martha Washington  

Tweet of the Day
Image of the Day

The Legacy of Fidel Castro's Communist Ideology

State Government Regulates Claims of One's Own Heritage and Business

How Would We Parent Without the State?

Facebook Corner


WRONG! Legalize the natural right of migration.

(Pro-Life Libertarians). See the Political Cartoon below.
 It's not just the precedent of kill lists and countless civilian casualties under Obama's expansionary droning operations in nations with which we are in undeclared war but the fact Obama was willing to target Americans overseas without due process. Trump's rhetoric throughout the campaign showed that he wasn't sensitive to individual rights, favoring eminent domain abuse, championing the restoration of torture, and insisting Apple must build a backdoor to its devices for the convenience of the State: Obama has led the way.
I think the unfortunate point is made. I've not investigated enough to know about the difficulties Obama may have faced in trying to close that facility; I generally think he was obstructed unnecessarily at most turns by an idiotic congress.
You're buying into bullshit excuses. This is a President who has been willing to overreach authority so many times that the federal courts have constantly slapped him down and he has lost the most unanimous SCOTUS decisions against him. The reality was that he was unwilling to spend political capital to get it done. As others point out the Democrats controlled one or both houses of Congress for 6 years.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of the original artist via Pro-Life Libertarians on FB
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Cher, "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves". Her first of 4 #1 hits.